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@mentions show up on personal activity streams like they do here on

  • @bplove


    Is there a setting or an easy hack to get @mentions to show up on personal activity like they do here on It doesn’t happen this way on my install, just shows the user activity and you have to click @mentions to see their @mentions. I like it better together. Tips?

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  • @marcrem


    @bplove please share if you find a way to do it, I’m looking forward to do it too



    @bplove @marcrem

    You’ll need to build your own bespoke theme, with a custom activity loop that doesn’t filter ‘the scope’, but instead shows all activities.

    Sounds confusing – unfortunately, it is a little.

    The default BuddyPress theme uses a set of filters (put together by a javascript routine in _inc/ajax.php) to determine which entries to show when you visit someone’s activity.

    You can read more about building your own theme, and on writing a custom activity loop in the docs section of this site.



    For the benefit of anyone else attempting to implement this, the above post is incorrect. Buddypress implemented @mention listing by searching the text of all activity updates. The function to query for activity (BP_Activity_Activity:get) allows you to query by user id AND search term, but not user id OR search term, as this feature requires.

    The only way I was able to get this working was by hacking bp-activity-classes.php, and updating the user_id sql in the get_filter_sql function. The updated code is as follows:

    `if ( !empty( $filter_array ) ) {
    $user_filter = explode( ‘,’, $filter_array );
    $user_sql = ” ( a.user_id IN ( ” . $filter_array . ” ) “;
    foreach ( $user_filter as $user_id ) {
    $search_terms = ‘@’ . bp_core_get_username( $user_id ) . ‘<';
    $user_sql .= “OR ( a.content LIKE ‘%%”.like_escape($search_terms).”%%’ ) “;
    $user_sql .= ” ) “;
    $filter_sql[] = $user_sql;

    If someone has a more elegant solution, please let me know!



    Here’s how does it, with a filter that essentially adds a search term ‘ @username‘ to the bp_has_activities filter:
    `function bporg_activity_with_others_filter( $qs ) {
    global $bp;

    $user_id = ( bp_displayed_user_id() ) ? bp_displayed_user_id() : bp_loggedin_user_id();

    /* Only filter on directory pages (no action) and the following scope on activity object. */
    if ( ( ‘dashboard’ == $bp->current_action && strpos( $qs, ‘personal’ ) !== false ) || ‘just-me’ == $bp->current_action ) {
    if ( strpos( $qs, ‘filter’ ) === false )
    $qs .= ‘&search_terms=@’ . bp_core_get_username( $user_id ) . ‘<';

    return $qs;
    } else {
    return $qs;
    add_filter( ‘bp_ajax_querystring’, ‘bporg_activity_with_others_filter’, 11 );`

    The problem with this approach is that the search bypasses the private/hidden group setting, so activity created inside of a group will show up on public profile pages if it contains @username in it. Here’s a filter that gets around it about halfway, in a hackish way:
    `function bporg_ensure_hidden_activity_updates( $has_activities ) {
    global $activities_template, $bp;

    if ( bp_is_my_profile() || !$bp->displayed_user->id )
    return $has_activities;

    foreach( $activities_template->activities as $a_key => $a ) {
    if ( $a->type != ‘activity_update’ && $a->type != ‘activity_comment’ )

    if ( $a->component != ‘groups’ )

    $group = new BP_Groups_Group( $a->item_id );

    if ( $group->status != ‘public’ ) {
    unset( $activities_template->activities[$a_key] );
    $activities_template->total_activity_count = $activities_template->total_activity_count – 1;
    $activities_template->activity_count = $activities_template->activity_count – 1;

    $activities_template->activities = array_values( $activities_template->activities );

    return $has_activities;
    add_filter( ‘bp_has_activities’, ‘bporg_ensure_hidden_activity_updates’, 999 );`

    This latter problem should be fixed in BP 1.3.



    does not work for me boone



    @mattamatic you rock man, your code worked perfect for me here (something i’m doing for a client)… THANKS!



    Not sure if anyone else still needs the ability to combine @mentions with the personal activity stream. I took the guidance of @mattamatic with an alteration to get it working with BP 1.7 (beta 2, in my case).

    I opened up `buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-classes.php`, found `lines 620-624` (part of the get_filter_sql function), and changed it from:

    `if ( !empty( $filter_array[‘user_id’] ) ) {
    $user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( ‘a.user_id’, $filter_array[‘user_id’] );
    if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    $filter_sql[] = $user_sql;


    `if ( !empty( $filter_array[‘user_id’] ) ) {
    $user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( ‘a.user_id’, $filter_array[‘user_id’] );
    // START Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    $search_terms = ‘@’.bp_core_get_username($user_id);
    $user_sql.= “OR ( a.content LIKE ‘%%”.like_escape($search_terms).”%%’ )”;
    // END Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    $filter_sql[] = $user_sql;

    Works for me on BuddyPress 1.7-beta2 (wish there was a non-hacked way to combine multiple scopes for the activity stream). Also, I should mention that you really only need to add the parts between the START/END comments, but I included the rest for context.

    Thanks again @mattamatic!



    I can’t edit my post above, but I thought I’d let you know that I’m on BuddyPress 1.7 (non-beta) now and the same edit applies & works on this version as well.



    Turns out there was an issue I didn’t catch until I noticed @mentions were showing up for more than just the specified user. Below is the updated code (really, it’s just a matter of swapping out $user_id for $filter_array[‘user_id’] in the edited code mentioned above). This is working on BuddyPress 1.7.1.

    I opened up buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-classes.php, found lines 620-624 (part of the get_filter_sql function), and changed it from:

    if ( !empty( $filter_array['user_id'] ) ) {
    	$user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( 'a.user_id', $filter_array['user_id'] );
    	if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    		$filter_sql[] = $user_sql;


    if ( !empty( $filter_array['user_id'] ) ) {
    	$user_sql = BP_Activity_Activity::get_in_operator_sql( 'a.user_id', $filter_array['user_id'] );
    	// START Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    	$search_terms = '@'.bp_core_get_username($filter_array['user_id']);
    	$user_sql.= "OR ( a.content LIKE '%%".like_escape($search_terms)."%%' )";
    	// END Also include @Mentions in User Stream
    	if ( !empty( $user_sql ) )
    		$filter_sql[] = $user_sql;




    In 1.7, you can adjust the activity query via a filter – so you don’t have to hack a core file.

    Take a look at the bp_activity_get_user_join_filter hook in bp-activity-classes.php
    In particular, the $where_sql



    thanks @kzeni have been looking this just the solution 🙂

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