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Simple Facebook Connect on Buddypress Profile Settings

  • @chiinook


    I fished the following two lines out of the Simple Facebook/Twitter Connect plugins (login scripts) in order to make account linking available from within a Buddypress profile. Theoretically, this ought to work … just a matter of making the link accessible, right?

    `add_action(‘profile_personal_options’,’sfc_login_profile_page’); //Simple Facebook Connect account link function`
    `add_action(‘profile_personal_options’,’stc_login_profile_page’); //Simple Twitter Connect account link function`

    So my question is, what would be the code to use to insert both buttons at the bottom of the Profile > Settings > General page? (I’m assuming I would add these lines to my bp-custom.php file).

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  • @chiinook


    Well, I think I got the locations figured out … buttons are showing up on the General Settings section of the profile. Here’s what I did:

    For Facebook
    `add_action(‘bp_template_content’,’sfc_login_profile_page’,50); //Simple Facebook Connect account link function`

    For Twitter
    `add_action(‘bp_template_content’,’stc_login_profile_page’,51); //Simple Twitter Connect account link function`

    I’d have to work with style a bit but, hey, they’re where they ought to be! That’s not the end of the story though. On the wordpress profile, you’ll see options to disconnect from the remote account (Facebook or Twitter) but these options don’t show up on the bp profile.

    Seems like running both the Twitter and Facebook connect simultaneously gets a bit buggy. If linked to twitter for example, the facebook link button won’t click through.

    Also, after linking accounts you have to sign out of buddypress multiple times (if you initially signed in with your buddypress login, then again with eg. your facebook account).

    All this is making me think twice about putting SFC and STC to use in my system even though it looks like a sweet and full featured integration. I’m sure some one with a little more skill could make it work. Let me know if you have any suggestions.



    Also just checked on the buddypress registration page and – since this is a replacement for the wp registration page – there’s no sign of the ST/FC account link buttons.

    ST/FC seems like such a complete system, some one ought to see if they can get it to port over to buddypress use. That’d be a pretty sweet setup.



    Otto, the creator of SFC and STC was active on this WordPress Support Ticket,

    I also added my 2 cents there.

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