Really cool I have a soft spot for community use like this of BuddyPress – great use. Nice amount of members and done from ground up always puts a smile on my face 
@ewebber, your site looks inviting! Alas, I live in Las Vegas. If you don’t mind, which plugin are you using for the “Business” tab as well as the categories? Thank you!
@qrahaman I use Another Classified WordPress plugin
How did you get the word out about your site?
@h32 with a lot of hard work tapping into the local community in various ways
Hi. Where are the controls so I can stop members from creating groups?
@harty is this in response to the email that you sent me?
For the benefit of the forum, the question came from:
I am building a similar site in new Zealand and wonder if you can tell me how you separated out and formatted the local business section.
So far, my site has attracted people who create groups as adverts for their business, which is very disappointing.
How do you manage this?
I think there is a plugin that can do it, or you can use php if statements to choose who sees what.
A real developer can correct me if that’s not a great way to do it.
@ewebber, thanks for the info.
@harty, in response to ewebber’s recent post, I would consider what she did with her site: establish terms and conditions per her About page, and for those businesses that want to advertise, provide a mechanism for that to happen. This will be inline with a “pull” vs “push” strategy which is what I believe you’re going for.
Yes, but people don’t read the rules, they are useful so they you can remove posts later, but it won’t completely stop them. I do restrict group creation now, but I wouldn’t have wanted to start the site that way.
Going through the forums and having spent hours searching the net, I can’t see any current up to date plugin that prevents group creation. I have also tried a few codes in php files with no positive result.
Unless I am missing something, this feature is sought after by many bp users.
@Harty, i think you can just hide group creation button withh css, pending the time you will find a permanent solution.
Just found this plugin:
While it stops members creating groups (if set to zero) the button still appears, so I can imagine members frantically clicking it wondering why a new group isn’t being created.
Also tried this one:
but couldn’t figure how to make it work.
Good idea about altering the CSS to hide the button (although it would probably hide it from me as well).
@ewebber excellent site by the way. Glad to see you’re successfully giving back to your community.
@harty I played around with if statements in my actual child theme php pages, but it’s likely that the second link you posted might be the best way to go – I think a bp developer might know best.
Your site is unbelievably awesome. I have two questions I really hope you can help me with.
How can I add a social bit like you did in the upper right? Like, Tweet, +1? I’d almost rather the LinkedIn share instead of Tweet but whatever, what you have there would fit my site perfectly!
Also…your login box and Facebook compatibility? Is that a widget or custom? It’s beautiful and perfect.
@ewebber I love the site. I would really like to build a social network for my community. Do you do a lot of moderating?
Also, im wondering how you have accomplished the fb login on the both the front page login form as well as the wp login form? I am using fb autoconnect which gives me the sidebar login form no prob. But the main login doesn’t show it? Are you using two plugins?
Hi @mike84 I only use the one plugin – when you say “front page” what do you mean?
By front page I mean the homepage. You have the login widget enabled in the sidebar on the homepage which shows the FB login button. But, you also have the FB login button on the regular wp-admin or wp-login.php page. My FB shows on the sidebar widget but not the wp-admin login. Which FB plugin are you using? Thanks for replying.
Cool page. Very good Buddypress theme. I would have a page like this, or the best, and know how to build it.
@mike84 I use the same code that the sidebar uses on my homepage and I use wpfb autoconnect, it will turn up where the sign in field is
@raquel24or I missed you comment, I only get email notifications if you use @ewebber
FB plugin I use is mentioned above
The code for each of the social links are readily available on the relevant websites, I use 3 individual ones, if linkedin have one then you could use that too.
@mike84 and in response to your previous question, yes I do a fair bit of moderating – running a community takes a lot of work, buddypress is a great tool to start but it takes time to make a community.
nice website…
which plugin are you using on here ?: