@poolie, that’s a quality design! Nice work. Good to see more people not sticking to the default buddypress interface. Plazaa is a complete face lift. I like it *thumbs up*
Impressive! Cant believe its BuddyPress 
@poolie – awesome! I feel more like an amateur now
Wow. The site is impressive. Congratulations.
Very nice, like the profile pages layout.
Thanks for making me feel depressed 
If @antonrsa and @hnla feel like amateurs or depressed, what`s left for us mortals ?
@poolie your site is an excellent example of the wonderful things that can be made with buddypress. And how far I am of achieving this. Ich mochte dich congratulieren.
thanks a lot guys!
since it’s the first day of the public beta, i still have to debug some stuff tonight.
@el_terko that was almost perfect german, danke 
Okay, jetzt weiß ich… dass ich nichts über wordpress+buddypress weiß. ^^ Good work!
@ekine ach komm..
and thanks!
@poolie, habe mich gerade bei platzaa angemeldet. Tolle Seite! Sehr schön! Werde mich da als Düsseldorfer gerne beteiligen und meine Bewertungen und vielleicht ein paar Locations eintragen.
Schön, schön und noch mal, schön! Die erste Buddypress Seite, die ich im Leben wohl benutzen werde…
@Svenl77 vielen dank! würde mich sehr freuen, düsseldorf ist im moment noch ein wenig leer 
und auch danke für das tolle seo plugin!
@poolie –
es gefällt mir viel. Sehr gut gemacht.
Was haben sie benützt für den Locations? Sind Sie WordPress Custom Post Types?
@rogercoathup no, they are normal blogposts actually 
with wordpress 3 you could use custom post types of course, but i didn’t need them.
Agh. I can’t understand anybody! I need to learn German now.
Awesome BuddyPress theme though. I hope you use your skills and creativity to create more.
@poolie: Ah klar, ich verstehe. Die Felder gehen Direkt von TDO-Mini-Forms in den Custom Fields.
Was ist auch klar … es vielen Jahren seit ich Deutsch gesprochen habe 
@paulhastings0: yes, we should all have a little German, a little Spanish, a little Mandarin, and although it pains me to admit it, a little French. I was also saying how great the site looks. It’s good to see something well designed and focussed on the user experience.
@rogercoathup Yeah but I notice you couldn’t write “WordPress custom post” in German
poor show 
@hnla ja ja stimmt! I thought long and hard about that, but decided proper names and all shouldn’t be translated… Honest guv! 
wow, just registered and had a first look. very inspiring fresh design and use of buddypress. nice work!
the site looks great! What kind of gallery plugin did you use? Is it self-hosted or somewhere else?
the gallery plugin is self coded. i host it on a root server at hetzner.de
Good job! Would you provide us – the community – that plugin? I looked for several solutions and couldn´t really find anything small but nice that fits my requirements. I´m looking for a simple gallery tool that offers users to make pictures or galleries public or privat, that has a category tag-function (e.g. this picture belongs to the category “nightlife”) and that includes some other stuff like automatic resizing, multi-upload, widget-displaying…etc…
Any other good idea (anybody)? Any exeriences with the BP-Gallery plugin? Is there a stable version available yet? http://buddydev.com/buddypress/bp-gallery-beta-available-now-download-test-and-enjoy/
we have relaunched the homepage and a lot more.
you can also vote for us at the wordpress showcase https://wordpress.org/showcase/plazaa/ 
Absolutely amazing, the best Buddypress work i’ve ever seen!!!!
Contratulations @poolie !!!!