Hey @pjnu
have you been able to sort out this issue? I am having the same.
Do you have buddypress installed? This is not really a bp issue. Although if you do have buddypress installed, just mark him as spammer
It definitely is a BP issue to some degree.
@meini , I haven’t found an answer yet. I created a ticket at https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/3098
NO, this is NOT a buddypress problem.
If you mark a user as Spammer, does it block him from logging in?
Use a plugin called “wp-ban” to ban users
“blocked” and “inactive” roles appear to come from bbPress as this is not native to WordPress. My suggestion would be to *not* use these roles at all for the moment.
If you’re using multisite, just use WordPress’ native Network Admin user administration panel and set users as spammers:
Do not use the regular WP admin users screen for this!
I apologize for not fully understanding the issue.
I disabled Buddypress per @DJpaul ‘s suggestion, and @r-a-y ‘s followup post explains how to approach this.
Thank you.
@pjnu How had you installed bbPress for this site? Via the easy click method in BuddyPress?
@DJpaul Yeah, the easy click method.
I marked a large number of users as spammers to temporarily block them from the site. When I reinstated them all of their BP data had gone (custom fields, activity, etc)! I don’t know if this is ‘normal’ behaviour for BP so I suggest anyone considering doing this tests it first.
I’ve done a complete restore from back up and am now looking for an alternative. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks.
This issue hasn’t been addressed yet. See:
It’s probably best to keep backups in the meantime.
It sounds like your patch only covers activity. When I unmarked the spammed users there was no x_profile data, friends, groups, blogs or messages either.
I was running BP 1.2.8 and WP 3.1.1.