wow, could this topic become sticky for a while, so everyone can find this easily?
BP Xtra Signup is listed as working on your spreadsheet. It doesn’t add a root page, so should work just fine for 1.5 as it does for 1.2.x. Problem is that it’s not working properly in a MS environment (and hasn’t been for a while now), as the options page doesn’t show. I know it’s easy to fix, but there never is enough time…
I’ll be testing it thoroughly sometime this week, but until then it might be best to set it to fail, so users don’t get confused. Cheers!
Thank you BuddyPress Media team!
@foxly I can see in your spreadsheet that Jet Events System is listed as “fail” to work with BP 1.5, but I just tested it and it works fine for me
perhaps the tester forgot to click on “update database/templates” buttons? can you clarify this? thanks!
@foxly oops, my mistake, jet events seems to activate fine but the event creation system appears to be broken. I can see my “appointed to” events and else but not access the main creation page/list. sorry!
Technically, we should all be posting to this thread:
I posted a quick message in here to make sure everyone heard about it, as not everyone checks the 3rd party plugins forum regularly.
Yes, the testers are quite good, if there is something wrong with a plugin they will probably find it. At the far right of the spreadsheet is a column listing the errors they found. 