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Avatar Crop Page Header and Background Image don’t load

  • Bigjimmysisco


    Hello, I have a quick support question….

    Just to clear things up, my avatar upload works 100% fine. Buddypress media is working fine.

    But on the bp-crop page, my custom header image, and my custom background image won’t load. The images are not there, and my background is white.

    How can I fix this?

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  • Bigjimmysisco





    More info needed, like WP/BP versions? Have you deactivated all plugins (which includes all BP and WP plugins, MU plugins and bp-custom.php) except BuddyPress and change theme to bp-default, cleared cache and checked if cropping works?



    Hello Fellow Mercime. I can’t express this enough, but just to maybe clear things out, my avatar cropping is working fine. Nothing is wrong with cropping.

    But on my site, I have a header image, and a BG image. The IMages just don’t even load on the crop page, which is not really a huge problem, but it is sort of ugly and out of place.

    I have de-activated, but nothing changed.

    WP-3.04, bp-2.7






    === The IMages just don’t even load on the crop page, which is not really a huge problem, but it is sort of ugly and out of place. ===

    @Bigjimmysisco I understand that your avatars uploads are working. Good for you because most of the problems I saw in these forums were the avatar uploads and not that of header or background image upload/rendering.

    Since it’s the loading of the background image and a header image that is failing for you, we have to troubleshoot what’s causing the block to a very basic function.. So are you using the bp-default theme or child theme of the bp-default theme OR a custom theme? If it’s the first two, then reupload manually (via FTP/cPanel) buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default theme to your server. If it’s a custom theme, contact theme author of theme glitches for BP 1.2.7/WP 3.0.4.

    Another aspect to consider is that default maximum file size uploads are 2MB or less. Check image file size. Check also image file types allowed – jpg, gif, png.



    Using custom theme.

    The theme author has one of those forums where it’s nearly impossible to get support. :(

    Boone Gorges


    Off the top of my head, it could be that the theme author did not include the proper WP hooks in that particular template (wp_head) so that the stylesheet isn’t loading correctly. Or maybe something in the crop javascript is keeping styles on the rest of the page from being activated. It’s hard to tell without actually seeing the site. Have you tested to see whether the problem persists when using the BuddyPress Default theme?



    Hey @boonebgorges. Yes, it’s my custom theme, the default is not affected.

    I am a noob on code, so will u help me fix this?

    I can paste files of whatever you need

    Boone Gorges


    Do you have a link and maybe a dummy login? If it’s a js/css problem, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out from the front end.



    @boonebgorges, Due to the privacy issues, and to be a member on my site, you need to pay a fee, which breaks copyright rules and other stuff on our site to have a free membership. To figure out the problem, is it absolutely necessary to be on the front end? If it’s absolutely necessary, then yes, but is it possible to just post code, or I will do absolutely anything else to help you solve this.

    Thanks so much for your help






    — Due to the privacy issues, and to be a member on my site, you need to pay a fee, —

    99.9% of those who help out in this forum are volunteers. You cannot expect volunteers who are trying to help you to pay a membership fee to troubleshoot your custom theme which is already going beyond getting BuddyPress working in your site.

    — is it absolutely necessary to be on the front end? —

    It would make it much easier and faster to identify the problem.



    No no no no, I am not saying they need to pay a fee. I am saying I don’t want to add a member for free unless I absolutely must. If the only way to solve this is to add a free member for troubleshooting, than I will, but I would like not too.



    — If the only way to solve this is to add a free member for troubleshooting, than I will, but I would like not too. —

    You are free to do whatever you want just as volunteers are free to answer whatever question comes up in these forums – if they so choose. Know that the volunteers here are not psychic. You haven’t even mentioned what custom theme you’re using to warn others to expect abysmal theme support if they use that custom theme.



    Actually Bigjimmysisco, what theme are you using?

    Weird coincidence, maybe we have the same weird missing JS, My custom images don’t load on crop page either.

    I changed my avatar on my site for the first time and noticed this.

    I will do some troubleshooting on it, because It is certainly the theme.

    @boonebgorges I will create a dummy account on my site as “guest” and you can do troubleshooting on there, if you would like. maybe it will work on BJS’s theme also.



    Weird. I am using Brownbuddy. Fairly new theme.

    By all means…. test it!



    Is anyone there?



    Both issues related to the Arras theme integration with BuddyPress albeit via different routes. Bigjimmysisco, patience. Not everybody is using Brownbuddy.



    I am aware of this, Arras theme is a toughie one. Once I get the time I will contact the theme author of Arras



    SO can we fix it or not???

    @mercime, @gunju2221?



    @Bigjimmysisco I do not use the arras nor brownbuddy theme. I would rather roll out a bp-default child theme theme similar to Arras than take too much time to decipher all the theme’s intricacies, not that I’m going to at this time. The light at the end of the tunnel for you is that come BP 1.3, BP components will be rendered in regular Pages so hopefully lessen or eliminate any conflict.



    Theme author (TY) couldn’t see the issue, but did say it could have something to do with file size, and it not being able to handle the request.

    This didn’t make much sense, because most of everybody is having this issue that is using arras. He said it also could be a jquery conflict.

    Anybody can do testing on my site if you wish.

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