bp_has_members – bp_ajax_querystring
Hi All
Got a page called members-functions.php and within that page running a function which does:
if ( bp_has_members( 'type=alphabetical&include='.$user_id) ) : while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?>
and some other jaz.
This returns all the members, however a person cannot filter between the members such as: Last Active, Newest Registered.
When i change it to
if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ) ) ) :
instead of if( bp_has_members( 'type=alphabetical&include='.$user_id) ) :
then the filtering works, but other custom functionalilty on the members are lost:Within members-loop.php we got some php which does:
$bp_ajax_string = bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ); if ( $includes == "") { if ( strpos($bp_ajax_string,"newest") != false ) { $bp_ajax_string = str_replace("newest","alphabetical",$bp_ajax_string); } if ( strpos($bp_ajax_string,"active") != false ) { $bp_ajax_string = str_replace("active","alphabetical",$bp_ajax_string); } } else { if ( strpos($bp_ajax_string,"newest") != false ) { $bp_ajax_string = str_replace("newest","active",$bp_ajax_string); } if ( strpos($bp_ajax_string,"alphabetical") != false ) { $bp_ajax_string = str_replace("alphabetical","active",$bp_ajax_string); } if ($bp_ajax_string == NULL) { $bp_ajax_string = 'type=active&action=active'; } }
When i remove that code then the same still happens since i thought that must be conflicting, so somewhere else there must be ajax conflicting of some sort.
Is there a better method to call a list of all the members instead of using:if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ) ) ) :
The orginal members-loop.php has been modified and none of the existing code is still within it sinceget called in that page.
Any suggestions of what might cause ajax conflicting within buddypress will be most welcome or any other suggestions why a person cannot fileter between members.
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