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buddypress custom header

  • @lgy1970


    Okay….I have installed BP on and created a child theme as per the codex instructed. It’s very much in the development stage but I’ve come to a wall I cant seem to get over.
    In my child theme I created a style.css and the inherited the default css
    by adding the code provided. this worked fine and I started to change the design from the ground up
    1sr the body background, this was okay.
    But the header isnt playing ball.
    I have ftp an image and added the css code to my child theme style.css, still good.
    When I preview the site my custom header image is hidden as there seems to be another style sheet? over-ridng my child theme style.css.
    I used firebug to check the code and there I can de-activate it with-in fire bug which allows my custom header image to be visible but I have no clue as to where this is being styled from! It looks as though there is a 3rd style sheet as well as the child theme style.css and default style.css. because in firebug the source for the over-riding header image is from…..#2?
    Ignore the dimensions as they will be changed soon.
    Thanks in advance

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  • @mercime


    bp-default theme has default custom header support. Add this to your child theme’s functions.php file:

    `// Disable bp-default theme’s custom header support
    define( ‘BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER’, true );`



    Thanks for the reply.
    I hadnt made a functions.php file for the child theme. so I have been trying to with little success. The codex says to rename the functions.php so it doesnt clash with the default but that doesnt work either. I either get fatal errors and have to delete via ftp or in the buddypress editor it say “unable to edit”.
    I have tried copying the default and placing it in the child theme and I’ve tried to create a blank function.php
    I’ve also tried copying and renaming the default functions.php
    I know its probably something I’m doing wrong Any suggestions, I’ll keep trying in the meantime.
    Thanks in advance

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