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BuddyPress Forum navigation issues or something else?

  • @dreamsberry


    Hi everyone! I really need help on a small bug/issue i find on my bbpress forum.
    when I create a topic titled “test” in a group, the URL will be ……./forum/topic/test/ And in that URL, the topic is present and users can reply, post whatever they want. so it is working well under topic/test/

    When users go to forum under that group, they will see the “test” is listed as a topic under /forum/. then when they click on that topic “test” they will be directed to forum/topic/6/. Why does that happen? and on page forum/topic/6/, the page listed all the other topics including the ones not in that group although the URL shows forum/topic/6/ is under that group. How can I make it right so when people click on the topic on /forum/ page, they will go to the exact topic page which in this case is /topic/test/? Due to permalink settings? This is a strange one.

    Please help! Thank you!

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  • @mercime


    WP/BP versions? Could be that you have outdated theme? Change to bp-default theme and check whether mentioned misbehavior is corrected.

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