Could someone confirm this for me and I’ll get it on TRAC.
This has been reported ( and fixed ( However, the fix won’t be available until 1.2.5 is released, unless you are comfortable editing code. Hope this helps.
Ahh right, thanks for that! That covers friends, how about followers? That is affected in the same way.
@apeatling Hey Andy, thought you may want a heads up on the follow plugin issue.
If you delete a member from the admin panel, no ones following totals change to reflect that the user is gone. There is a TRAC for this issue happening with the friends counts (see above) but nothing on following.
Cheers pal!
Sorry maybe I’m getting confused by I thought that TRAC only fixed the incorrect ‘Friends’ counts. The same thing happens when you have the ‘BP Follow’ plugin installed. The following counts don’t update either when a user’s account is deleted. I’m not sure if the actual follow plugin would need a code change as well. I expect it will as you can follow anyone – not just your friends.
You are correct. The two Trac tickets only fixed friend counts. The BP Followers plugin is a separate issue, and would require code change to that plugin. I would try posting in the plugin forum ( to get that issue resolved, or to at least bring it to Andy’s attention.