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Converting my theme to Buddypress compatiblity

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  • @mercime


    @hamzahali You need to change 16 template files within the 6 BP folders transferred to your bold theme folder in server during the compatibility process.

    If you’ve previously changed any of the BP template files in your bold theme folder in server, replace all of them for a clean slate by deleting the 6 BP folders – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /groups, /members, and /registration – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility.

    Download the 6 clean BP folders to your computer hard drive.

    A. At the top of each of those 16 template files I linked to above, replace


    with the following:

    <div class="post clearfix" id="post-main-“>
    <?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb('

    ‘); } ?>


    Then, in each of 16 files, you’d like to change the BP Templates’ page title’s header tag from `

    ` or `


    ` to `

    // Titles Of Respective BP Page Templates //


    Save files.



    B. At the bottom of the same 16 files, replace:


    with the following (except for registration/register.php):


    with the following for registration/register.php:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {


    Save files.

    C. Upload the 6 BP folders containing the 16 files you’ve just revised to your server wp-content/themes/bold/

    D. Copy the style modifications made in BP Twenty Ten at and paste to your theme’s stylesheet. Adjust to taste.

    1. Not sure whether Yoast Breadcrumb will work in this scenario for the internal component pages
    2. As long you don’t change sidebars in your theme’s option page, this will do. If you are going to make sidebar changes, you would need to copy footer.php and save it as footer-buddypress.php and remove the code to call/change sidebar to protect the layout of your BP pages.



    Sorry for the late reply,
    Thanks a lot for taking the pain, I will try it and will let you know.

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