I just tested BuddyPress 1.2.9 on WordPress 3.1 and WordPress 3.2 and everything was perfect.
* OS
* Browser(s)
* WP Version
* Try clearing cache?
Windows XP
Chrome / FireFox
WP 3.2
Clearing cache now 
clearing cache helped… but now I’m curious why it did…
Is it because the old script is still remembered somehow?
Browser probably cached it, yeah. We have some cache-busting built into BuddyPress 1.3, so future versions won’t have this problem.
Help! I updated to 3.2 before I read about the 1.2.9 update. So, I’m getting the bp-forum error. Of course, I can’t go in and update that now. I tried clearing cache. Tried it in Firefox and Safari and same error in both. I’m using W3 Total Cache and speedymirrors so I imagine things are cached there, too. How can I clear it when I can’t get to the admin?
Holy crap! I fixed it myself!
In case anybody wants to know, I found the buddypress-trac pages and did this:
replaced: parent::WPDB( $dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost );
with: parent::__construct( $dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost );
I can at least get into the admin now. We’ll see what else is messed up now.
WP 3.2 + BP 1.2.9
and last Google Chrome
and repeated at 2 analog sites (WP 3.2 and BP 1.2.8 or 1.2.9).
I try add new post, add an Image… and fail!
1. Try click “Add an Image”, load froma PC, Other Sites or Media Library
2. Click “Show” – and nothing…
After all actions blocked. While not reload the page.
Is that related to BP? Have you disabled BP and tested without it?
same problem:
Seems like the reply panel opens and closes immediately! Tried with chrome and firefox… same result 
any ideas?
please, create some topic like “wp 3.2 bp 1.2.9”, so that people could see all the possible issues in one place. Users start to create new topics for every noted problem and it is quite hard to follow.
or use this topic instead https://buddypress.org/community/groups/miscellaneous/forum/topic/a-quick-note-about-wordpress-3-2/
Thanks so much @snowgurl11 That worked for me, just that one edit on line 144 of /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-bbpress.php 
I have the same problem. as NrFive and Iwikia. I wonder if they solved the problem.