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Help us… get help…

  • @artsupplywarehouse


    3 things

    1) The links in the help us… help you… sticky topic return server 500 errors
    2) Either I’m blind or there is no way to search this forum. There appears to be a search box but it only returns topics posted in the blog roll. There are 700 pages in this section alone. Please tell me I’m missing something.
    3) I posted a question a few days ago (All groups tab displaying correct number, but no groups listed) and I don’t know how to get people to help me. I think all the proper info is there, but alas not a single response. I’m a WP noob, I do speak PHP, but for some reason the architecture for WP is not fully understood by me. Any help would be appreciated.


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  • @mercime


    1) What specifically were you looking for? URI to thread with links to errors so we may correct them? There have been some major changes behind the scenes throughout these months.

    2) We are aware of the search issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. You could Google for your username + + keyword or phrases. What were you looking for?

    3) Googled and found your topic
    Please be aware that we are all volunteers here living in different time zones.



    hi mercime

    This topic

    Is a sticky at the top of the hot to and troubleshooting section but all of the links in this section:

    1.) Starting a topic.
    2.) Asking for support.
    3.) FAQ+
    4.) Codex+
    5.) bbPress Integration
    6.) Pat Andy on the Back

    Appear to be broken.

    I will attempt to use google to search these forums, really, what I’m looking for is other people who’ve had my problem. Why ask a question if it’s already been answered.

    Your volunteer time is greatly appreciated. I didn’t mean for any of that to sound complainy, just trying to figure out if I was missing something.



    +1 for a search box that lets me to try to help myself by searching the forum before posting.



    If you use google you can put in
    with your search and the search results will be limited to results from this site which is cataloged daily by google, including all of the forums. I did some searching and testing and was satisfied that it works pretty well.



    @artsupplywarehouse the new links have been added to the Help Us Help You page. Thanks for the reminder to update the links.



    I, and the ones like me that come after, thank you.

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