I’ve had this issue for some time now – they’ve told me they’re working on it, but my posts on the topic typically get deleted 
OK, so the search functionality doesn’t work then. Bummer. Kinda hard to look for other posts (and thereby eliminate redundant posts) w/out that ability. Hmmm…. Anyhow, thats @peeld.
@topracer @peeld
Search on buddypress.org has never worked properly and probably never will work properly. This is because proper, natural-language search is a hard problem that the developers behind WordPress and Buddypress don’t have any experience with.
The most efficient way to search buddypress.org is to go to Google and type in
“site:buddypress.org whatever you’re searching for”
Wow. I’ve been using the google approach, but just assumed that their search functionality had to work. Virtually every CMS site I look at has a search box on it. If it truly is a element that can’t be fixed….what about integrating at least a Google search box on the site. Hmmm.
Thanks @foxly for the update.
Google sucks for searching this forum……… Takes me hours to solve issues on my own
agree, this forum is next to useless without a proper search function.
There’s not much point in digging up a three month old topic, with a post like that. Closing thread.