Hello caplain. You can use plugins for this. I’m using Invite Anyone. You can search Extend section by typing “invite” and visit WP Plugins Directory at https://extend.wordpress.org/plugins
So, why does BP have the notion of friends if you need a plugin to invite/add a friend? Thanks!
Aha! That’s a great question caplain
What I say was inviting people to your site. It’s not about adding friends.
But if you’re talking about adding friends, you should be seeing “add as friend” button in the member’s single profile. If you’re not, try to upload the bp-default theme folder to your “themes” directory.
Hope this helps…
“member’s single profile” ?? Interesting I don’t know what that is
Other than the Users page (as admin) I have no visibility of other site users.
The only way I can see anything about other members is if I manually go to /members/ (which I discovered by just snooping). There is a link ‘All members’ with a count of members, but the link just goes to the blog root URL.
I think what Ali means by “the member’s single profile” is simply the member’s own profile page. You can get there by clicking on their name in the Members Directory (/members/). But you should also be seeing an “Add Friend” button next to each name (except your own) in the Members Directory. Is that missing? In the default theme some of the greys are a bit pale so sometimes you might not notice a pale grey button over to the side, but it should be there.

The ‘Add friend’ button is not to be seen anywhere even in the bp-default theme.
@pelleas Do you have the Friends component turned on? Dashboard > BuddyPress > Component Setup
@pelleas You must start your own thread for your issues please you have posted to two diffrent and old threads that appear to relate to your issue
Seldom do other threads relate exactly to your own issue, and responding to two different posters in one thread is a recipe for confusion and considered bad practice. I also believe you responded to Boone’s question above via a update which further disjoints things as we could be staring at this thread awaiting a response not aware you have actually responded.
For now I suggest continuing in this thread, but for future issues please start a new topic.
A further question: Are you using a custom theme? If you are can you revert to the BP default theme and also disable any third party plugins that are not absolutely necessary for the operation of BP (basically that means any plugins other than BP itself) and then check again whether you see ‘Add Friends’ buttons on members directory listing or profile pages.
I have upload buddypress at my website when i send a friendship request from other ID and try to accept from respondant ID then the notification page do not open my buddypress url is http://www.achisite.com/friends you can check a notification with this id USERNAME: mudaber Password : 123456 please help me Thanks
I have also uploaded bp-default theme. in my wp themes directory and deleted it from buddypress theme but the problem is same I am not able to accept any friendship request please help me