Use the conditional function `is_user_logged_in()` in an ‘if’ conditional before the field in question.
There is a plugin called profile privacy that may do what you want
Thanks for the answers. But I just want to hide one of the profile fields from public….
But you could also help me, if you tell me this:
Is it possible to convert a date (e.g. Birthday 12.07.1987) to an “age” “23”?! That would solve the Problem also.
I just don’t want that anyone is able to see the birthdate of my users…
Thanks a lot and all the best!
I just tried BP Profile Privacy. It’s not working with the latest BP release, isn’t it!? 
So maybe another idear?
I just tried that plugin and it seems to be working. What didn’t work for you?
I activated it and made my settings but nothing happens. E.g. I said “Birthday” just for “User” but it’s still visible. There are also no settings in the frontend if I use “Let user decide”.
I already deleted all fields with “bp_profile_privacy” in the database and activated the plugin again. But it’s still the same… No idear!?
Thanks a lot!
BP Profile Privacy only works for fields in the fieldgroup “Base” (ID 1). In which group did you place the birthday field?
It is in the fieldgroup “ID1”.
Hi and sorry for the second post. But I’m trying to find out since one week why the BP Profile Privacy PlugIn isn’t working for me.
If I activate it and set a field (e.g. birthdate) to “users only” – nothing happens. There are also no settings for the users in the frontend of buddypress. So there’s something wrong? Any idear what to try to fix it?
I’m looking forward – Hopefully for an answer! 
@philippmuenchen – it works fine. I’m guessing you’re trying to test it while you’re logged in as Admin? The privacy controls don’t apply to Admin. Admin can see everything. Log in as a regular user and then test.
Age calculation:
@noizeburger – it works for all fieldgroups, not just Base.
“If I activate it and set a field (e.g. birthdate) to “users only” – nothing happens. There are also no settings for the users in the frontend of buddypress.”
If you set it to “users only” in Admin, you’re not giving your user the choice, and that’s why there is no selector in the front end. The user will only get the selector if you choose “let user decide”.
@aljuk Thanks a lot for you answer. But I also tried that and I logged out as admin and signed in as a normal user. Still the same.
Another idear?
Thanks a lot for the link. I’ll take a look to it! 
All the best!
Hmm, that’s strange. It’s working for me exactly as advertised.
What’s the history of your theme? Is it default, child, custom etc?
Maybe cookies…
In the Admin, set “let user decide” for some fields.
Log out.
Clear your cookies, make sure to delete all cookies from the domain, and from any test domains, and any local domains (eg. mamp wamp etc. if you’re using that) that you’re developing the site on.
Log in as a subscriber level user.
What result now?
@aljuk Another 6 hours of work and sill no solution. I tried exactly what you said. And I also tried it on my development installation – There it’s working like a charm. I don’t have an idear what to do… ;(
I use the latest versions of bp and wp. On my testdrive I use the same plugins. I also checked another theme.
All this work just to hide ONE profile field.
Do you have another idear? 
Thanks a lot!
Not sure. I just downloaded and it worked. I did notice when I was in a member profile and looked at my public profile tab the fields showed up. When not logged in or logged in as another user, the fields were not visible. I am also using Role Manager plugin, not sure if that makes any difference.