You mean wall == the wire (old BP) or activity updates (current BP)? What versions of WordPress and BuddyPress are you using?
I’m using WP version 3.1.1 and buddypress version 1.2.9 , here’s the link on the initial screenshot of the wire? or activity updates… waaa… i dunno… please help me… 
i need to remove the following…
i hope you can help me with my problems…
thank you so much T_T
I’m using events manager plug in for the events and i need to add the wire to the events page to show all the events for the group..
oh, I’m sorry, it’s activity updates not “the wire”
Edit /members/single/activity.php, and take out the bit these lines:
`if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_my_profile() && ( !bp_current_action() || bp_is_current_action( ‘just-me’ ) ) )
locate_template( array( ‘activity/post-form.php’), true );
Regarding the Events Manager plugin, that plugin will need to add support for activity posting from the events user page. Ask the author of the plugin if that is planned in a future release.
Thanks a lot Paul Gibbs! You’re a savior!
, the way..I’m using events manager plug in, and I would like to have my group events posted in the Group Activity Stream is that possible?… I don’t know how to do it… X(
@Master r-a-y oh i think it they don’t have plan adding wall post for future release..
, as well as adding comment box on the single page events and group stream activity..
but I found a better idea without having a wall post functions in event page, if i could display the group event on the group streams, is that possible? I found a group event plug in (group calendar plug in) that have that kind of feature, but I don’t know how to apply in Events Manager I’m so dead kid in php X(