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How would I?

  • @akyleadam


    I have a question….

    When you submit a new group, send a message, send a new forum post or interact with the buddy press in any way that is sending data – if all is successful you get a “Successful…” message usually in green some where on the page (or page your redirected to).

    I am looking to replace this functionality with something else. So What I am looking for is where is this code so I can manipulate it, change it, delete it – what ever. – This message is usually displayed after you post a new topic, create a group – send a message…ect.

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  • @akyleadam


    An example is when I posted this message I now see: Topic created successfully” – where is that code?








    damn that’s all bp core stuff. Is there no way to over ride this in a theme? like to say “when submit is liked if the post was successful – do this instead of that” in a theme?





    oh no – the plugin in one would be better as I need to over right the method to not display a message but instead a java script popup that I am interested in testing. But I have never developed a plugin and I wanted to build it right into the theme instead of having a separate plugin.



    I’m also interested to post and you’re suggestion is a big help. I think I’ll try getting into it right now. thank you and I’ll start following your directions.



    doesn’t like spam _>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” />



    Does any one have any blog posts, forum topics, wikis, documentation on how to write or over write a buddy press function?



    @akyleadam what you’re trying to change was the text string “Topic created successfully” into e.g. “when submit is liked if the post was successful – do this instead of that” and the links I gave could do that.

    Take the first link, instead of creating a plugin, you can add this to your active theme’s functions.php – replacing the text string in that post to your own:
    `class PJW_Translation_Mangler {
    * Filter the translation string before it is displayed.
    * @param $translation The current translation
    * @param $text The text being translated
    * @param $context The context for the translation
    * @param $domain The domain for the translation
    * @return string The translated / filtered text.
    function filter_gettext($translation, $text, $domain) {
    $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
    if ( $text == ‘Topic created successfully’ ) {
    return $translations->translate( ‘when submit is liked if the post was successful – do this instead of that’ );
    return $translation;
    add_filter(‘gettext’, array(‘PJW_Translation_Mangler’, ‘filter_gettext’), 10, 4);`

    You see where I’ve substituted you own terms with that of the code given by Westi



    @mercime except what I want is:

    When the page loads after you hit submit you are greeted with the success or error message (on any thing you do such as saving, editing…what ever) What i want is to take that text out, replace it with a java script pop up – so when the page loads to show you your new topi that pop up displays to say what ever message i gave it for error or success. I have a nice android based notification popup to do this so it will not be obtrusive.

    This is my end game.



    @mercime also your example failed. I keep all functions I write in a separate folder in a lib folder, and called that custom function via: include_once(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘lib/CustomFunctions/DisplayMessage.php’);

    How ever the message is un changed (the message I was cheking for was: The topic was created successfully

    and I testing by changing to: I am changed.

    This is the ode:

    class translator
    function filter_gettext($translation, $text, $domain)
    $translations = $get_translations_for_domain($domain);

    if( $text == ‘The topic was created successfully’)
    return $translations->translate(‘I am changed’);

    return $translation;

    add_filter(‘gettext’, array(‘translator’, ‘filter_gettext’), 10, 4);






    bump – can I please get some help?

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