Those plugins need to be updated for changes for WordPress 3.1. Contact the developers.
P.s. Achievements is my plugin and I’m aware 
Hey, thanks for the reply! Well, I’m glad it’s just an issue with versions. I was worried it was some sort of botched configuration with my MultiSite setup or something more tricky. But hey, while I’ve got you here: first off, thanks for the great plugin! It’s going to be a very integral part of my community once it gets off the ground. I’ve also got an additional bug report for you though that you may be aware of. When creating an achievement based on an event, this list of possible events, seems to display every item twice – not a significant bug, but I thought you’d like to know 
Also, I’m not too familiar with plugin development, but would you happen to know where I could look for the code that adds the plugin to the WP menu? I wouldn’t mind taken a stab at it myself to see if I could get these menus a-showin.
Thanks again!
Backup first before attempting changes – and no guarantees it will be easy
BuddyPress 1.2.8 only contains a few changes all…
I was right about to launch a BuddyPress powered site at work when I upgraded to 3.1, and now I’m not sure whether to downgrade back to 3.0.5 for now or not.
Currently I have the same issue as the original poster, only way I can activate the plugins that deliver the core featureset the site is designed for is as a “Network Activate”, but I don’t want them enabled on the additional blogs we’ll be providing to some users.
Would you recommend downgrading to 3.0.5 in order to keep the functionality we had during the whole design and testing phase? Am I misunderstanding what Network Activate will do?
having the same issues, has a downgrade been recommended? has anyone done this? i may follow suite if so…
I would never recommend using an older version; we fix important bugs sometimes