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“no mods” appears under group mods after assign a user as a mod

  • @rfoster


    Has anyone encountered this issue? When I choose a member of a group to be promoted to a moderator, they appear in the list under the admin section, however, in the top of the group page, the Admins appear fine, but the Group Mods says “no mods” any help is appreciated.

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  • @jakel


    Just started getting this problem too! I believe it may have began after I inserted my own PHP file for group-header.php in my child theme. *However*, the only lines of code I deleted were lines 6-9 from that file, to remove the Group Admins text and avatars and only show the moderators. The text “Group Mods” shows up but below it says “no mods” just like your issue.

    Any help would be great!!



    Steps to duplicate would be great, as well as the WP / BP version you’re using.





    Did you solve this? I’m getting the same issue on my WP 3.1.2/BP 1.2.8, but not on an install of WP 3.0.5/BP 1.2.8



    Looks like it’s a result of the Group Hierarchy plugin. When that’s disabled, the “no mods” label is replaced by the avatar/s of the moderators.

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