== If I try to access the files in my child theme I get the error message ==
The most basic bp-default child theme is a new folder name and a style.css file. What other “files” did you add to your bp-default child theme?
I just added footer.php copied directly from bp-default
@StevieG adding footer.php from bp-default to your child theme shouldn’t mess with your install.
So going back to “If I try to access the files in my child theme I get the error message ‘Sorry, that file cannot be edited’.” is this in relation to editing the child theme files via Network Admin > Appearance > Editor panel? If not, what files are you trying to edit and where?
EDIT- just found out you posted same topic in WP Forums and the problem as posted there was clearer 
I didn’t know if this was a bug or something intentional in WP. It would be very nice to be able to edit the child theme PHP files in the WP editor rather than editing offline and re-uploading to make any changes 
@Paul Thanks for adding the Wp Trac. I’ve decided to stick with 3.0.5 to make development easier until a fix is published.
When will this issue be fixed?
@pimaniii You need to ask the WordPress core team.
bump, has there been a solution to this? im also having the same problem
@tommyhoang Again, this is a bug in WordPress core. Not BuddyPress. It’s not been fixed into WordPress yet; look at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16744