The “View” links lead to this:
Sorry, forgot about the sidebar issue 
The easiest way to duplicate the layout of your site pages in permalink.php is to copy page.php and replace the contents in that file with the contents from permalink.php, keeping the container structure and sidebar calls from page.php intact, then rename that new file permalink.php to overwrite the old one. Keep a backup of your original permalink.php in case stuff gets screwed up 
Template file – https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/1.2.8/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/activity/permalink.php
EDIT – pcwriter, didn’t see you there. Bad habit of mine to take phone calls and chatting first before answering forum post 
@mercime Thanks for the link…
@justbishop There’s your backup. 
EDIT: just saw your edit… hi!
Thanks guys!
OK, so…took my page.php and inserted the appropriate code that makes permalink.php tick, without disturbing the page.php sidebar/div/footer structure. Everything that uses my page.php template displays perfectly, but this is what I got for my efforts on permalink.php:
I’ve been sitting here all morning moving div openings/closings around, adding/deleting divs, fighting the urge to toss my monitor out the window, etc., but I cannot for the life of me get the activity to fill the space between the sidebars! At one point (I forget how), I did have it between them, but the actual activity was squished so narrow that everything was all jumbled up on top of itself and unreadable. Dragonfly (Opera’s version of Firebug) tells me that the activity is surrounded by the “padder” div, which is set to 525 px wide. I tried c&p-ing the entire padder CSS and adjusting ONLY the width, but that pushed the right sidebar down underneath everything else.
I know it’s more of a CSS issue than a BP issue, but any help/suggestion/direction is appreciated!
ETA: and why the poop won’t the admin bar go all the way across on this template?!
Alrighty, after lots of headache, I think i have the activity in between the sidebars and looking OK. Now I just have the admin bar width issue to figure out 
== I think i have the activity in between the sidebars and looking OK. ==
Confirming that it’s looking good 
== I just have the admin bar width issue to figure out ==
The adminbar in that permalink page is styled like so in bp-default adminbar.css
` body#bp-default.activity-permalink #wp-admin-bar .padder {
min-width: 960px;
max-width: 960px;
I see you have a fixed width of 1000px for your site. So if you have custom.css listed after the @import of adminbar.css, just add this
` body#bp-default.activity-permalink #wp-admin-bar .padder {
min-width: 1000px;
max-width: 1000px;
but if you use stylesheet listed before @import of adminbar.css, you’d have to add `!important` to your min-width and max-width
You should also correct the width of the site when in permalink view
` body.activity-permalink {
min-width: 960px;
max-width: 960px;
change to 1000px
Thanks for the help! Not sure if this was the intent, but tossing your 2nd snippet into my main style.css seems to have done the trick 
Cool. Just checked your permalink page and body is still 960px and not 1000px like other pages in site. Looks like you’d have to add !important to the style like so
`body.activity-permalink {
max-width: 1000px !important;
min-width: 1000px !important;
Just checked too. Like @mercime said, adding the !important param to css style rules sometimes helps when you just can’t tighten up the specificity any more.
If you ever run into a jam where the !important thing just doesn’t cut it, try “weighting” the specificity of the element you’re trying to style. Here’s a simple set of guidelines to help get you started: http://htmldog.com/guides/cssadvanced/specificity/
Just throwing in my 2ยข 
I appreciate all the cents I can get, thanks guys