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Translated Buddypress, some messages STILL in english..

  • erikahrend


    Hi there. New to Buddypress. I am setting up a community for my site. My Buddypress site is pretty much up and running, but I have a small issue. I need my site in spanish, so I have translated the pot. file and created po. and mo. files that I placed in the “languages” folder of my wordpress installation. That did the trick, and the Buddypress installation is now running in spanish, but for some reason I just don´t understand, some messages are still being displayed in english… For instance, if I try to delete my BP account, the warning messages are still in english and I have no idea where BP is fetching them from.

    Any assistance would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.



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  • Tammie Lister


    Hi, Just to check are you using the default BuddyPress theme or are you using a custom theme?



    Hi. I am using a custom theme…. I am using a template pack for my (Elegantthemes) WordPress theme.

    Tammie Lister


    Have you translated the theme and your template pack – to me it seems that something would not be being translated so you’re maybe only picking up one of the strings. Maybe the template pack isn’t translating?



    I see what you mean. But I checked the template pack’s pot. File and tge english phrases causing the issue are not there… Where should I look for them?




    OK. I located the “delete-account.php” file in my template pack (//wp-content/plugins/bp-template-pack/templates/members/single/settings/delete-account.php). The phrases causing the issue are there. I have changed them into spanish, but when attempting to delete my account, the message IS STILL IN ENGLISH!!! For the life of me that I just don´t know what else to look for.. Any help would be most appreciated.


    Which messages?



    The messages I am having trouble with are:

    “WARNING: Deleting your account will completely remove ALL content associated with it. There is no way back, please be careful with this option.”

    ” I understand the consequences of deleting my account.” (the message besides the checkbox)

    and the “Delete my account” button message.

    All the rest of the Buddypress installation is in Spanish already, I just can´t get rid of these three items in english..





    Ola !

    You have 2 translation when running BP. One for WP and one for BP
    And many plugins using their own mo file. In this case, the translation is in a “lang” or “languages” folder delivered with the plugin.

    The wp translation is called and is in wp-content/languages/
    The BP mo had to be in this same directory wp-content/languages/

    You have also to declare your site language in wp-config.php (define(‘WP_LANG’,’es_ES’) and you have to set this, if not already done, in WP’s settings.

    If all this is correctly made, all WP/BP strings should be in spanish. If despite correct settings, you have strings in english, it’s probably because you’re using a theme or a plugin with uninternationalized strings.

    The template pack has nothing to do with your problem. bp-template-pack is a kind of guide to help you modify/upset non BP compatible themes. The plugin doesn’t need to be in spanish.

    To find exactly where your untranslatable strings are, i suggest you to open buddypress/bp-languages/buddypress.pot and look above the word in english, the file name where the word is used. So simple as that ! ;-)

    EDIT: the concerned file is bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/settings/delete-account.php
    If you use a custom theme for your install, you have to use the same path:

    In this file, you must have this line 54:




    HI. Thanks for your help. I did ALL the things you suggested in your message and that particular string was still in english… I finally found it, you were right, it was in the theme/members/single/delete-account.php location. There seems to be a problem there because this file is not affected by the translated file. I finally did the language changes manually and it worked…

    Thanks again for al the help.

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