Open up your theme’s header.php, copy the code and paste onto, click submit and post the generated URL here. Do the same for footer.php, sidebar.php, index.php and page.php
As for the buttons, you can use Firebug, a Firefox add-on, or use Chrome and right-click to inspect element and check button style conflict. (header.php) (footer.php) (sidebar.php) (index.php) (page.php)
Thank you, I really appreciate you helping!!!
And I’ve managed to fix one of the button problems, will look into the other 
All right.
@BlendNZjnr You’re going to have to change 16 files contained within the 6 BP template folders transferred to your swatch theme folder in server listed here
Download the 6 BP template folders (clean ones) to your computer HD.
A. At the very top of all the other template files listed in link above, replace from get_header to div.padder
with the following :
global $woo_options;
B. At the very bottom of the 16 files, replace:
with (except for the /registration/register.php file):
with the following for /registration/register.php file
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {
Save files and upload following the directory structure.
Disclaimer: this may or may not work depending on what that customized theme renders via options in the templates. If that occurs, you can point theme dev to this post and he/she would be able to direct you to a corrected structure.
Also, if there’s a php error after this has been uploaded, it might very well be that you would have to delete the breadcrumb code I included from the original woo file. I’m saying, just in case 
Finally, you might want to check out the style modifications done for Twenty Ten child theme using BP template pack
Sorry, but where do I “Download the 6 BP template folders (clean ones)” ???
This all looks doable, thanks so much – I just feel stupid for not knowing how to do the first step 
I downloaded a fresh copy of the BuddyPress Template Pack:
And unzipped it, but that doesn’t seem to have these 6 folders or any of the files…
could you please point me to them?
Appreciate your replies.
BP Template Pack process copies 6 folders from bp-default theme within the buddypress plugin folder into the active WP theme – in your case, the swatch theme folder in server.
You can download BuddyPress, unzip, and go to bp-themes/bp-default/ folder where you’ll find the 6 folders (activity, blogs, forums, groups, members, registration) which contain the 16 files you need to revise. After you’ve done the revisions, upload those 6 folders via FTP/cpanel/etc to server wp-content/themes/swatch/ folder
Incredible!!! Basically all the pages are realigned now, but still a couple of kinks to ion out:
As you can see it is now within the page (not stretched to the left
) and the sidebar is in place, only as you can see things just stick out the right side of the page – what is the easiest way I can change the standard page width to increase it a little so everything fits?
Also I believe I copied the code correctly for register.php (I’ll post a link to the code below)
But it still has the same problems as before, as can be seen from this screenshot:
What needs to be done?
– We’re so close we can’t give up now!!! Thanks @mercime very much, you are an amazing helper!
God Bless