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Bug install

  • @rogerrmcc


    Saudações a todos…
    é a minha primeira visita ao forum, e ja percorri todos os post e não achei uma solução para o meu problema…
    O que acontece é o seguinte tenho o WP 3.1.1 e BuddyPress 2.1.8
    Instalados em localhost, tudo parece funcionar bem após a instalação, atualiso a pagina para ver como ficou e tudo parece estar certo….
    mas quandu clico em ( Activity, Menbers, Groups, Forums )
    ele retorna um LINK inexistentem ( PAGE NOT FOUND , apos pesquisar sobre esse erro fui orientado a mover as pastas que se ecnontram em
    As pastas para serem movidas são Activity, Menbers, Groups, Forums
    fiz inumeras tentativas e nada resultou movi as folders para a a raiz da instalação e é retornado o seguinte erro
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in C:AppServ?wwwredewordpressactivityindex.php on line 1
    Alguem me ajude a fazer funcionar?
    Greetings to all …
    is my first visit to the forum, and had traveled all the post and
    I have not found a solution to my problem …
    What happens is this I have WP 3.1.1 and 2.1.8 BuddyPress
    Installed in localhost, everything seems to work well after
    installation, actualize the page to see it and everything seems
    be right ….
    but I click quandu (Activity, menbers, Groups, Forums)
    it returns a non-existent LINK (PAGE NOT FOUND, after
    search on this error was instructed to move the folders that
    ecnontram in
    wp-content plugins buddypress bp-themes default-bp
    Folders to be moved are Activity, menbers, Groups,
    I made numerous attempts and nothing came of the move folders for aa
    installation root and is returned the following error
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header () in
    C: AppServ? www Net wordpress activity index.php on line 1
    Someone help me make it work?

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  • @mercime


    == it returns a non-existent LINK (PAGE NOT FOUND ==
    You need mod_rewrite module enabled – aka “pretty permalinks” for BuddyPress to work

    == Folders to be moved are Activity, menbers, Groups, Forums ==
    Not sure what you mean. If you’re using the BP Template Pack to make your WordPress theme compatible with BuddyPress, the plugin will do that for during during the compatibility process.



    eu estou utilizando o tema proprio para budypress, ja mudei o
    permalinks, completei o processo de configuração do httpd.conf do
    apache estou utilizando em localhost com o appserver

    foi encrementado a seguinte linha no httpd.conf ( LoadModule
    rewrite_module modules/ )

    e não obtive resultado algum as paginas activy, menbers, groups,
    forums estão todas em page not found… não sei mais o que fazer
    =/ help

    I’m using the theme for budypress own, already changed the
    permalinks, I completed the process of configuring the httpd.conf
    I am using apache on localhost with the appserver

    was added the following line in httpd.conf (LoadModule
    rewrite_module modules /

    and not getting any results ACTIVY the pages, menbers, groups,
    forums are all on page not found … I do not know what to do
    = / help



    You need to get your “pretty permalinks” – one of the major requirements – working first before activating BuddyPress. Deactivate BuddyPress and change theme to default twenty ten theme. Find resolution for your permalink settings at forums . Good luck.

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