It should be working fine! I’m using it on WP 3.0.1 and latest BuddyPress without any problems (so far).
I have tried de-activating and re-activating it, still not working.
When I check the group documents folder, the document is uploaded. It just doesn’t show on the “Documents” tab under that particular group. It’s an empty list, yet there are documents in the group folder when I manually check there.
So the problem must with the display, not the uploading part.
Hope to test it on WP 3 soon.
Hello guys!!
I ve a problem with this plugin too, it doesn’t want to upload my files: Here is my error
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ on line 234
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ‘/shared/upload_tmp/phpxM38p7’ to ‘/mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/’ in /mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ on line 234
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ on line 377
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ on line 234
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ‘/shared/upload_tmp/php7VEPXq’ to ‘/mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/’ in /mounted-storage/home140/sub031/sc76288-XUCJ/ on line 234
Thanks for any help you can give ,
See ya
I had a similar issue running BP on WP 3.0.1. I discovered BP Group Documents conflicts with the Forum Attachments plugin. I disabled the latter, and the former works fine. Peter, the developer, is a dedicated plugin owner. He’s been very receptive to my problem requests. 
Had a workaround. I uninstalled the plugin, deleted the group document’s values in the wp options databse and the group-documents folder in wp-uploads. Re-activated the plugin and it worked out O.K
Thanks @ericreynolds007 BPForum attachments plugin conflicts with the Group Documents plugin .