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Is another test site needed?

  • josh101


    I was wondering if there is a need for another test site. I have alot of room on my hosting to host another site. Keep in mine I do have a important site on the same sever. If the need is high enough I can set up a test site. I will let people have full access to the test site as long as I can trust them.So it be more or less invite only for full admin but will be open for any other level of access. I can do this on a fresh domain for $10 a year or we can use a sub domain of my active site. Then of curse if we use a sub then it has my site name on it so it will be more strict. So if you developer want another sandbox let me know. I kinda want to see the lastest verison coming out so this test site may be on the bleeding edge.

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  • Anonymous User 96400


    Well, public test sites are more for users, not so much for developers, who will have their own local test installs. And for users there’s always, which is always cutting edge (correct me if I’m wrong). I don’t think there’s a need for another test site.



    ok just wanted to give back is all.

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