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Nicer Permalinks for Vietnamese (with add-on of Thai characters)

  • @jdawn


    I have used the Nicer Permalinks for Vietnamese code to force my BuddyPress permalinks to show in Roman characters rather than Thai characters, because BuddyPress does not allow %post_id% in its permalink structure as far as I can tell. The Thai characters which automatically appeared in the permalink on the post page were a problem for my translation plugin (Transposh). Since I have multiple Thai authors on my site, I could not be sure they would always change the peramlink to Roman characters. If they forgot, their post would result in a broken link. So I just substituted random Roman characters for Thai in this script, and wanted to share in case anyone else was having the same problem.

    Please note:
    1. This is NOT a phonetic transcription of the Thai letters; it is simply a hack to allow my BuddyPress permalinks to automatically display Roman characters because the Thai characters were confusing my translation plugin.
    2. I left the Vietnamese characters in the code.
    3. To use, simple install the Nicer Permalinks for Vietnamese plugin and copy below code over the existing code in the nicer-permalinks-for-vietnamese/np4v.php page in WordPress’s plugin editor.

    Code available at this link:

    Best wishes!

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