Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
Yeah, we have reached 11,000 downloads….pretty awesome!
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
SUBDOMAINS ARE WORKING! Big thanks goes to @Lemmy! I love it when the community helps out, makes me feel I’m not alone out there.
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic Javascript conflict in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
erhmmm….I’m not familair with that. Is that from a plugin or a theme?
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic GroupBlog config and posting in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
Hi guigoz….pages should link to that url, since you are viewing a blog page…not a group page. So the url is correct, however your pagelayout should be identical as the BuddyPress theme. Not sure why you are having trouble with this.
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic Javascript conflict in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
Which template from WPMU Dev?
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic Just installed and getting the following error … in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
This was an issue with subdomain installs. I believe this is resolved in 1.5. Please check and report your findings.
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic User role after leaving a group in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
They should get demoted to subscriber.
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic Fix for subdomains in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 14 years ago
Thanks Lemmy…the fix is in the latest release! I’ll have to take a look at that activity component in case it is turned off. Thanks for pointing that out.
Mariusooms posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
No problem…glad you got it sorted!
Mariusooms posted an update in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 15 years ago
To qtranslate support for the activity stream, add the following to bp-blogs.php around line 410 inside the function ‘bp_blogs_record_post’:
/* Add support for qtranslate */
if( function_exists( ‘qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage’ ) ) {
$post->post_title = wp_specialchars( qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage(…[
Mariusooms joined the group Buddypress and qTranslate 15 years ago
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
Sorry for the many incremental updates, but we keep finding bugs. Inlcuded in the latest fix is that template pages were not created for existing blogs. Therefore those blogs would show a page could not be found issue. Now the admin is made aware of those blogs and is encouraged to check and rerun the groupblog settings. Kind of an important…[Read more]
Mariusooms joined the group BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel 15 years ago
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
Okay…version 1.4.6 rolled out, this should fix a bunch of weird behaviors. This plugin should reasonable be back on track, with a wealth of new features.
Mariusooms posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Groupblog – update the plug-in in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Hmmm…unfortunately I mostly could not replicate many of the errors people encounter. I can only think it has to do with subdomain installs versus subdirectories. As is, I can’t support subdomain installs. If someone can find a fix so that it would work properly I’ll include the fix. Please try 1.4.5 and see if you […]
Mariusooms posted an update 15 years ago
1.4.5 has now been committed. It has been a while since last I did this stuff, so I hope I’m not breaking anyone’s sites. Fingers crossed
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
Please read the readme for an issue with bp-core-avatars.php. It currently won’t show group avatars on blog pages/posts. This is because the othe blogs have a different blog directory than wp-content/uploads. So if you don’t mind and like to see avatars instead of gravatars, update the functions as outlined in the readme.
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
If I could be made contributor of my own plugin, that would be awesome. @apeatling
ping @johnjamesjacoby
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
Please move the themes to the theme folder…the latest P2 theme is included, but it altered. This is explained in the functions.php of the P2-buddypress theme.
Mariusooms posted an update in the group BuddyPress Groupblog: 15 years ago
New version rolling out 1.4.5 including P2 features. Lots has changed…probably some stuff is broken…other stuff is awesome. Use with care or bash to pieces. Give it a try and help find bugs. Actually solving them would be even better. Atm trying to get subversion to work nicely.
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