Bmunch posted an update in the group BP Jobs Board: 14 years ago
short term gig: looking for a developer to debug new group and forum creation on my teaching site: tubescodecontent.com.
Bmunch joined the group BP Jobs Board 14 years ago
Bmunch posted on the forum topic Groups Creation Process Fails on Step 3 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
the error message is the default: “There was an error when creating the topic”
Bmunch posted on the forum topic Groups Creation Process Fails on Step 3 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Possibly related:
Now that that Group is created, I get an error message when trying to create a forum post to it.
Existing Groups are fine, so too creating new forum topics to them.
Bmunch started the forum topic Groups Creation Process Fails on Step 3 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
When creating a new group I can enter the Group Details just fine. Then I can enter the Group Settings just fine. But when I select “Next Step” to go to Avatar the Wizard process just sort of dies. There’s no place to upload an avatar. Just the “Previous Step” and “Next Step” buttons. If […]
Bmunch posted on the forum topic How to modify the top admin bar? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
bummer. the page that was originally mentioned having a bunch of code snippets doesn’t load:
Bmunch posted an update in the group BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel: 14 years ago
i’d like to add a link within this to display the blogs one can post to similar to what is available in the traditional admin bar.
i’m new to BP so if someone can point me to the admin bar documentation, or describe how i might go about it here, it would be greatly appreciated.
Bmunch joined the group BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel 14 years ago
Bmunch started the forum topic Buddypress Followers & Friends Component Deactivation Issue in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 15 years ago
i’d like to use the buddypress followers plugin (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-followers/) but if/when i disable the friends component my page stops loading as soon as the background image is in place.
any thoughts as to where i can poke around and see where i can fix this?
Bmunch joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 15 years ago
foomaster posted an update 15 years ago
@nuprn1 hi rich,
i started playing with your buddypress forums extra plugin and have a bug i’m wondering if you’ve come across before.
basically, when ‘forums index’ is activated, the forums have the same name.
you can see what i mean with this screenshot:
any thoughts on how i can fix…[Read more]
might be related to this buddypress bug https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/2613 when deleting a group the bb_forums table info is not removed. did you create a previous group and remove it? if so, try deleting the old data from the db.
Bmunch posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
when i activate buddypress on wp multisite it becomes a network plugin available to any other blog that gets created.
does this mean that any subsequent blog has its own buddypress install, and if so does activity their get shared with the original. eg., a buddypress install at newsite.foo.com feeds into the original buddypress install at…[Read more]
Bmunch posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
i’m trying to list the last x number of posts from each blog in the network but am not able to find the appropriate parameters for
.the default is to list the last post. i’d like to list the last 4-5. just the title, no content or excerpt.
thanks for any guidance.
foomaster posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
i’ll test it out this weekend.
do you want feedback or is that annoying?
if you’d like it i can QA the plugin pretty heavily and give detailed feedback with screencasts/screenshots/etc. if it’s helpful.
i understand as well if it’s not something you want to deal with at this time. could be helpful though as part of a documentation…[Read more]
Bmunch joined the group Creating & Extending 15 years ago
Bmunch joined the group Tweetstream 15 years ago
Bmunch posted on the forum topic Approve groups before they are listed in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
would very much like to see that, or be able to assign a permissions level for who can actually create a group.
eg., default permission on registering with site is subscriber. if person gets bumped up a level or two he/she is now able to create groups.
Bmunch joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 15 years ago
Bmunch posted an update in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 15 years ago
am/was getting lots of errors so eventually uninstalled the plugin.
for example, comparing what i was seeing on my site (wp3.x/bp1.2.5.x) and what i’m seeing at the courseware handbook page i come across the following:
i don’t get the sub-tabs under courseware/dashboard. i do get the linked items to add assignments, etc.
However, when adding…[Read more]-
@bMunch, the problems reported by you should be fixed with version 0.1.3.
Please check it and report back if something persists.Thanks.
i’ll test it out this weekend.
do you want feedback or is that annoying?
if you’d like it i can QA the plugin pretty heavily and give detailed feedback with screencasts/screenshots/etc. if it’s helpful.
i understand as well if it’s not something you want to deal with at this time. could be helpful though as part of a documentation…[Read more]
Actually any feedback is welcomed, here or on the forums.
I’m more interested in bugs, if there are any, so please report anything you find.
Bmunch joined the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware 15 years ago
Active 6 years, 10 months ago