Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
The issue my site was having was because of an error in some custom code I wrote. I had some special code running on a custom profile input on the sign up page, and I had hardcoded the ID of the input into my code. Later, I changed the ID value of the input without changing the hardcoded value in my code, thereby breaking the sign up. That’s…[Read more]
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
Wow, that sounds interesting. Just let me know if you need any more help.
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
Great! Just let me know if you need any more help with it. What book are you planning on using it for, btw?
It’s Chinese book, Art of War. written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, regarding military strategy and managing conflict in two forms. Althought it’s a military literature, but we can apply the concepts and strategies on any aspects of our life or business. For example, I am an Forex Exchange trader, my mentor tought me trading in the form of…[Read more]
Wow, that sounds interesting. Just let me know if you need any more help.
Thanks! It’s my luck being in such a helpful community.
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
With some modifications, it should be able to work with any book that is divided into a similar chapter/verse structure. The modifications would mainly be a matter of replacing the data in bible-meta.php so that it contains the book names and abbreviations for your other book.
Thanks! I will set it as my next adventure.
Great! Just let me know if you need any more help with it. What book are you planning on using it for, btw?
It’s Chinese book, Art of War. written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, regarding military strategy and managing conflict in two forms. Althought it’s a military literature, but we can apply the concepts and strategies on any aspects of our life or business. For example, I am an Forex Exchange trader, my mentor tought me trading in the form of…[Read more]
Wow, that sounds interesting. Just let me know if you need any more help.
Thanks! It’s my luck being in such a helpful community.
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
I wrote my own FB connect plugin, because I didn’t like the ones that were out there either. I wanted one that didn’t create users with random usernames like fb102312 or something, but where even FB users went through the set up process. I also wanted support for a Facebook canvas page. Rather than search through too many options with pre written…[Read more]
Richard Venable posted an update 15 years ago
@anointed @anointed: Hey I responded to your feedback on Biblefox
http://biblefox.com/groups/site-help/forum/topic/complete-download-available/I’m letting you know here, since you mentioned you disabled email on Biblefox because of the multiple emails.
Richard Venable posted on the forum topic Biblefox.com – BuddyPress powered Bible study in the group Gallery: 15 years ago
Thanks @mercime. My plugin is in active development. It is still early on, but I am really wanting some good feedback on ways to improve it, so let me know your thoughts when you try it out.
Richard Venable posted on the forum topic Biblefox.com – BuddyPress powered Bible study in the group Gallery: 15 years ago
Whoa. Thanks to @moosh101, I realized my sign up page was busted. I fixed it now, but that wasn’t good timing for the sign up page to break.
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
Btw, I lived in Auckland for a year (July 2008- July 2009) with my wife who was getting a Masters degree at the University of Auckland. We miss New Zealand! So beautiful!
Richard Venable posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
Sad! Yeah, there was definitely a problem there, but I fixed it now, so try again. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. There’s nothing worse than having your sign up form break!
@rvenable – Hi Richard
I have this same Firefox problem with the sign-up page on my site. You say you have fixed your issue. Please tell me how you did it so I can sort mine out.
The issue my site was having was because of an error in some custom code I wrote. I had some special code running on a custom profile input on the sign up page, and I had hardcoded the ID of the input into my code. Later, I changed the ID value of the input without changing the hardcoded value in my code, thereby breaking the sign up. That’s…[Read more]
OK, thanks for your reply Richard. All the best.
Richard Venable started the forum topic Biblefox.com – BuddyPress powered Bible study in the group Gallery: 15 years ago
Biblefox.com: a site that uses my just released Biblefox for WordPress plugin to detect Bible references in BP activities. It has a Bible Directory, that is just like the Activity Directory, except that it displays a Bible passage and filters activities by that Bible reference, creating a simple social network Bible commentary!
Richard Venable joined the group Gallery 15 years ago
Richard Venable posted an update 15 years ago
I released a new plugin today, Biblefox for WordPress: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/biblefox-for-wordpress/
Richard Venable posted on the forum topic Send Invites support in the group BuddyPress Followers: 15 years ago
Looking into it more, it seems like Invite Anyone will work if only ‘send-invites’ was added to the submenu – the bp_core_new_subnav_item() that adds it to the submenu is only called when Friends is enabled: https://trac.buddypress.org/browser/tags/ It is a bit more work to get Send Invites to work without the Invite…[Read more]
Richard Venable started the forum topic Send Invites support in the group BuddyPress Followers: 15 years ago
Are there any plans to make the Group Send Invites screen work with followers? Currently the send invites screen only appears when the Friends component is enabled.@boonebgorges
This also prevents the Invite Anyone plugin from working when using Followers instead of Friends. -
Richard Venable joined the group BuddyPress Followers 15 years ago
Richard Venable posted on the forum topic BP External Activity – pulling RSS into the sitewide stream in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
What about allowing users to add their own RSS feeds (for say their own blogs hosted elsewhere) and automatically labeling it with their username?
Richard Venable joined the group Creating & Extending 15 years ago
Richard Venable posted on the forum topic add inside loop ”created wiki page” in the group Miscellaneous: 15 years ago
The people at CUNY Academic Commons created a MediaWiki extension that does what you want (I think):
Richard Venable joined the group Miscellaneous 15 years ago
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OK, thanks for your reply Richard. All the best.