tsinclair1982 started the topic Mult Network in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 10 months ago
I am trying to get my head around the mutltisite, so if in theory i have 50 networks and members are on various networks and roam through various content on a wordpress network, is there a way to have a central “HOME” for each user to see all activity streams from friends, projcts groups etc..??
I think people will get lost.
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic [Resolved] How? Multiple BuddyPress sites with some shared users in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 10 months ago
So, Can I get some clarification from a friendly user.
I want to have multiple BP networks, all exclusive to each other and private.
I want to allow for members to be able to ask to ‘join’ any network and if permission is receive.. he or she is in, without the need to fill out a form..Is this possible?
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond! in the forum Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
Can some sites be different? I can’t figure out how to add commons to one specific site.
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond! in the forum Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
So, If I understand correctly:
Multi Site Installation Of Word Press
Add Commons in a Box on main site
Create sites with P2
Plain sites etc..??
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond! in the forum Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
I am too, a perpetual optimist. So you created a P2 site for.. “p2 related” content and launch all activity our of a “main site”
Getting my head around the logic that will be forever, is difficult.
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond! in the forum Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
I am about a month behind you, new to wordpres et al, I think we are tying to accomplish the same type of things.
I like the features of buddy and P2 but jst don’t like the way they look, is all of this customizable?
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Integration with P2 Theme Concept… and Beyond! in the forum Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
Any program ?
tsinclair1982 replied to the topic Multi-Site, multi-network questions in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 10 months ago
Please help me get this straight in my mind, i need to reduce it to writing before i go find a developer to help.
I need multi-site, multi-network buddypress and wordpress. SINGLE signin point of entery and then multi private networks. Some networks may have top level domain and some maybe “behind” a website hosted on wordpress.
Is this a…[Read more]
Active 8 years ago