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  • @aahkendall


    I’m testing buddypress on IIS and getting the same error – does anyone know how to resolve this in IIS instead of Apache?



    Check out this fantastic new plugin – BP Multisite I’ve installed and am testing it. Not completely sure yet, as there’s a permissions issue (see my comment on the article page below, but it seems to work like a charm.

    Now I can have my main network site and not only set up a mixture of regular blogsites (like a restaurant review) and networks (a local English club) but offer my members the chance to have their own distinct network, rather than a mainsite group or regular blog! All using the same username, as @dgmodel and I’ve got it working with facebook connect, so people don’t even have to create ANY accounts!

    Here’s the article with the guy/project who got this going:



    Thanks Reboot Now – and wordpressfan for suggesting it in the first place. Will definitely look into giving this code a try prior to future BP work as this is very important for privacy, especially for children, who will potentially be a significant part of a site I am working on. Membership will be verified to ensure protection of the children’s private information while allowing them to participate fully in the community.

    Maybe someone could take this and turn it into a plugin…?

    @Jeff Sayre – your plugin is also useful as it gives a universal (i.e. WP not just BP) and individual-focussed privacy option, which is also very important. good work!



    Essential as you never get it right first time and once you launch – even with beta testing, you don’t want to be starting again and asking everyone to fill in their data all over again. Already done that once with RC1…!

    Any progress on this? Andy said it was going to be high priority once v1 was out – now we’re on 1.01, is it available in the new version?




    Actually I have a client who will pay for this (and some other tweaks which I think all could benefit from)…any takers?






    Sounds encouraging, John – I look forward to seeing the results. A ‘native’ user language selection function is essential for a robust multilingual installation, with specific support for BP, of course.

    I’m quite sure that the use of BP will rocket (again!) once this is done as that’s the last major barrier I think to global domination! Ning and all the others will be left in the dust!



    Oh, forgot to add…the permalinks don’t work in the translated versions either – i.e. on my test site works in Catalan but returns a page not found error (badly translated except (so far) in the English which I’ve corrected (a nice feature of TransPosh).

    Don’t forget to click on the US English (I’m also trying to find/write a British English .mo file so I can put a British flag instead of American, since I’m in Europe (and English!).

    The main reason I want to do this at all is to cater for the two local languages, Catalan and Spanish, but have English available too. I also found a neat plugin for setting a different back end language but only managed to get that to work using the Codestyling Localization plugin which I couldn’t get to work completely as I wanted either).

    Just thought I’d add that in the hope it’ll help others – here’s the Transposh link FYI, which is not usually mentioned but simpler than the main ones.



    @DJPaul I think there must be specific issues with BP themes as I’ve tried all the main WPMU multilingual plugins and not succeeded (though admittedly this is probably at least partly me).

    I have found one (TransPosh) that is easy, quick and is the nearest thing I can get. But, unlike changing languages via the dashboard, when using any plugin, it seems to use a different system, often just translating on the fly using google translate, for example. So things like ‘login’ aren’t translated properly – especially when my default language is Catalan (regional language in Spain). Whereas setting it in the admin translates perfectly.

    I’m more interested in translating the actual structural items – login/account links, menus, etc than the actual blog.

    If any clever WP/BP developer reads this can you shed any light on this? Thanks :)

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