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  • @agundabbo


    Thanks for the answer.
    Yeah, infact I figure that later.
    I put a condtion that if the field that “for users would be empty” is empty skips the error zone.
    Something like if field_id != 1 or !empty(field_id,1) something, go normally.
    It seems to work although it is very sloppy anche cheap. 😀

    Thanks again.



    Thanks for the anwser.
    I hope that someone may have a clearer view about this. If I have to check wp_users or wp_bp_xprofile, where and when without messing the registration process between BP and WP.



    Hello to everyone. Sorry If I reup this topic.
    I try the method @r-a-y suggests in file edit.php (not in /profile-loop.php) and it worked just fine.

    The problem is that I wanted that normal users cannot edit but admins can.
    So I think that the easiest way is with user_id (the alternative would be using wp_meta, the role and wp_capabiliets I think?

    So I have to put something like that

    while ( bp_profile_fields() ) : bp_the_profile_field(); if ( get_current_user_id()=#ADMIN ID OR bp_get_the_profile_field_id() != 'ID # YOU WANT TO SKIP' ) :

    Am i right?
    Thanks for the anwser

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