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  • @akingston47


    Thank you for that @gingram815 but I really find it so hard to believe that “include” no longer works. It really is killing my site. I know it might sound easy to just reverse the query and use “exclude” instead but the query I have is very complicated and it really is not so simple to find the members to exclude. Does anyone know if this will be fixed in the next release or know another way around it?



    I’d really like to get this working again too. I had it it working fine until I upgraded to BP 1.5. I seem to be able to include a list of comma separated user ids but they will only display in the order the users registered beginning with the oldest member which is not what I want. I need to get it back to displaying the last active user. Any help would be much appreciated.



    @davewoodbridge – I’m having them same problem – well except that I just get a white screen after signup rather than 404. The registration goes through alright but the user is not added to my mailchimp list.

    I’m thinking it must not be compatible with BP 1.2.6. Does anyone have any ideas. @Travel-Junkie – any chance of looking into the problem?

    Its a really cool plugin but the main reason I want it is to integrate the signup with Mailchimp.




    I’ve got the exact same problem. Its a bit frustrating needing to deactivate Flutter anytime I want to change a buddypress setting. Does anybody have any suggestions on what could be causing it?



    @jivany – thanks for the help. @jamesmarsland – thanks again. Sorry I kind of misunderstood what you said originally – I was thinking I wouldn’t be able to customise the page but then I remembered I can save a copy of the archives page as category-3.php (for example) so now it works out perfectly. Only thing is I would prefer not to have to use a plugin for it though..

    Only thing I have to figure out now is how to pull in posts in that category from user blogs. Any ideas? I was planning on using the MU category mapping plugin but it doesn’t work anymore.

    Thanks again for the help.

    @jamesmarsland I like your site by the way. I was actually looking through it the other day after seeing the link on twitter..



    Thanks for that @james. However is that not similar to using a template for the page? Either way though, the trouble I’m having is with the code to actually display the posts from a specific category. Any chance you could let me know how you wrote it?



    Thanks for the quick response @DJPaul. I totally understand what you’re saying. I was just curious to know if it was something that might be available in the future or if I should just plough on with an alternative.

    I’d be willing to donate as was mentioned by a few others above but with the particular project I’m working on at the moment I’m hoping to have it done in a few weeks so either way looks like I’ll be going with an alternative option.

    Thanks again though, and thanks for all your other contributions to Buddypress..



    Thanks for the quick response @DJPaul. I totally understand what you’re saying. I was just curious to know if it was something that might be available in the future or if I should just plough on with an alternative.

    I’d be willing to donate as was mentioned by a few others above but with the particular project I’m working on at the moment I’m hoping to have it done in a few weeks so either way looks like I’ll be going with an alternative option.

    Thanks again though, and thanks for all your other contributions to Buddypress..



    I could definitely do with an advanced search function as well. I am trying to setup a directory based site where each user will select their occupation and location as well as other details. It should then be possible for someone to specify an occupation and location in the one search.

    I’ve done quite a bit of work on this site and I’m really loving buddypress but unfortunately without the ability to search in this way I’m thinking I might have to scrap the whole thing and custom build my own directory based site.

    @holdenandmason1 any chance you would be able to give a more detailed explanation on how you created your advanced search.

    @DJPaul is this something you are still working on or have you too much else on?



    I could definitely do with an advanced search function as well. I am trying to setup a directory based site where each user will select their occupation and location as well as other details. It should then be possible for someone to specify an occupation and location in the one search.

    I’ve done quite a bit of work on this site and I’m really loving buddypress but unfortunately without the ability to search in this way I’m thinking I might have to scrap the whole thing and custom build my own directory based site.

    @holdenandmason1 any chance you would be able to give a more detailed explanation on how you created your advanced search.

    @DJPaul is this something you are still working on or have you too much else on?



    I’m pretty new to Buddypress but thinking about implementing S2Member as well. It looks very good but one thing I’m trying to do is allow my premium members to display more information about themselves than free members.

    I think I might be able to restrict free members from accessing a certain field group in their profile so that they just can’t submit the particular details such as Location and Occupation but that seems a little messy.

    I’m trying to setup a directory based site for Alternative Therapists such as Reflexologists, Nutritional Therapists, Accupunctuists, Yoga Teachers, etc, etc. I’m doing it for a client and she really likes the idea of having a social network side to the site as well because the therapists will be interested in networking with eachother and their potential clients (free members) will also be able to find them and ask questions or just read what they have to say.

    Unfortunately, however, because the search functionality in Buddypress seems quite limited not only is it difficult to narrow down a search for a particuar kind of therapist in a particular location, but it also doesn’t seem possible using S2Member to show only premium members.

    I’m thinking I might either have to scrap the idea of using Buddypress or else integrate separate directory pages but if I do that it probably won’t be very easy to tie their details for each system together.

    Sorry for the long post – but said it was best to explain it fully to see if anyone has any experience of trying to do something similar or has any good advice.

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