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  • @amesela


    @danbutcher I read your input . I have a project where we are collecting stories about youth experiencing the outdoors. I would love to invite you to participate either as a professor or to highlight student work that applies. Please take a look



    @johnjamesjacoby Hi John, I am reading your comments and appreciate your knowledge and skills. I am about to also try to find your plugin. (I am not a programmer so most of the instructions went over my head – I do the design/art direction part).

    I have a project I took on as a probono to develop an mu site for a National Park Service Collaborative I created a wordpress site with Buddy Press, and we are finishing the content integration and signing up users. There are a lot of ways I could use your savvy and help…as I am limited in my coding skills. The project is to inspire kids to get outside into the wilderness and to create a forum for them to share their stories.

    Are you available to talk about the site I am making and struggling with? If so, how may I contact you? You may send me an email via creative-entity(com)/contact.html
    ~ :) Amy

    PS @mikepratt @apeatling If any of you other guys have a desire to help, I would REALLY appreciate. This is a non-profit project and I am in need ….I can offer some design trade, music, dance..



    Hi there,

    I am having a major issue in that the registration is not populating the fields in the user database. Can anyone help?

    Somehow the fields are not inputting the data into the user profile (ie: first, last names are required and they are nowhere in the database). This happened after I installed Buddy Press


    PS I am not a coder and know conceptually, so speak laymen if possible in your response :)

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