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  • @aphrodite


    i know that. But in that case he is not allowed to claim official partnership with !
    The site is named Buddypress FRANCE and the first page claims this partnership just have a look at !



    huh guys this is blocking… On a production site please tips welcome !!!!



    /me autoflagellating

    Ok works fine now.

    Sorry forgotten a little detail…



    I need 6 thematic portal running fine buddypress and it does. And the ability to create subsite by users. So with non buddypress themes.

    The 6 portals are BP since I want to have different themes but ONE community, accessible via this 6 portals with custumized content and post but same community.

    But for now it does not work as it “should” since it is not possible to register from one of those portal. Only the main site allow it :)

    Though it is possible to subscibe to any site usig the default wordpress process on the non buddypress sites on the network…



    I do have this linein my wp-config and it works fine. And I need it (by the way, the good thing is that any “non bp” theme on sub site works just fine without any problem)

    My problem is just as i told, the registration link which does not work. The link in subsites is I’d like it to disply the registration page but it does not. I dont want the registration on the main site :)



    I will bump this one…

    this is a core function, surprise not to have any tip on this one…



    Woaw ! Thanks will try that NOW !!!

    But that will activate the functions on ALL sites no ? So any non BP theme on a subsites will be broken ?

    The question was in fact on “some” sites….

    Will test anyway :)



    Well will add a +1 on this important request….



    That’s a good news. In fact so many people ask for that I thought it would be taken in consideration and thats a kind of confirmation.

    Well, I have read the markitup tuto, in fact this is for the moment much for my actual competencies in dev.

    The bp tinymce is good but not enough. I tried th bpckeditor, but impossible to have it working, i think i have js conflict with something.

    Was hoping that the “advanced tinymce” used in WP could be implemented though, but remain the problem of emoticons management. This is THE thing we need. Although emots are not fundamental for something like this forum, quite technical and a bit “serious”, it is absolutly necessary on a “funny” forum whatever its thematic is !

    Well, waiting so :)



    unfortunatly this link is broken :(



    waiting for that… :)

    an update of the pot file with poedit on 1.2.6 from source added 683 stings of text, but some not correct such as variable strings.

    And I confirm the issue that at least all notifications mails are not in the pot file by default.



    Hi !

    Of course ! This happend with any BP theme (the default one works fine I said) I have the 1.1 rc1 CB theme… :(

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