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  • a.seif67 posted an update 14 years ago

    @Aekeron Hi, I have just installed bp-wiki but have a problem with editing pages in firefox. when I try to edit a page in firefox, the screen seems to refresh a couple of times and doesn’t load onto the editing page. The end result is a blank screen. In IE or other browsers, every thing is OK and i can edit without any problem.

    I am using b…[Read more]

  • a.seif67 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 1 month ago

    ok. thank you. i will check it tomorrow. but on another question : can i have this plugin with Jalali calendar (i mean Hijri Shamsi calendar that is in Iran)? can you custom built it for this change or give this option to user for selecting calendar type? this is realy important for us. if you are not willing to do it, can you guide me through…[Read more]

    • @a.seif67
      I can custom build a Jalali calendar for you, but this would have to be a paid add-on. If this is alright for you then I would have to do some research and could send you a proper quote once I know how much time it would take approximately. Please contact me at boris[{at}]shabushabu[{dot}]eu if you’ are still interested in getting this developed.

  • a.seif67 posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @travel-junkie @travel-junkie – i am interested in your buddyvents plugin, and want to buy it.
    i visited for purchase but process failed.
    If i am not login, when i want to add buddyvent to my shopping card it gets an error about ajax
    and pages does not load, and when i login befor adding to my card, the ajax process of adding…[Read more]

    • Sorry about that! We’re in the process of fixing it. Check back later today and it should be working again.

      • ok. thank you. i will check it tomorrow. but on another question : can i have this plugin with Jalali calendar (i mean Hijri Shamsi calendar that is in Iran)? can you custom built it for this change or give this option to user for selecting calendar type? this is realy important for us. if you are not willing to do it, can you guide me through…[Read more]

        • @a.seif67
          I can custom build a Jalali calendar for you, but this would have to be a paid add-on. If this is alright for you then I would have to do some research and could send you a proper quote once I know how much time it would take approximately. Please contact me at boris[{at}]shabushabu[{dot}]eu if you’ are still interested in getting this developed.

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