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  • Allison posted a new activity comment 14 years, 1 month ago

    Ok, I finally found a way to get to a Groups page and it has a “create groups” link. But this thing really slows down my site. And I still don’t understand where the forum is? I think there is something fundamental that I don’t understand about BuddyPress. I was seeking something akin to the Simple Machines forum, where I can set up boards based…[Read more]

  • Ok, I feel quite obtuse, but I’ve loaded buddypress and I can’t figure out anything. How do you create forum topics? Groups? So far, I’ve only activated the core buddypress plugin and the theme pack. I see the admin bar at the top of the screen, but there are not menu items for creating groups or topics. Is there basic “getting started”…[Read more]

    • Ok, I finally found a way to get to a Groups page and it has a “create groups” link. But this thing really slows down my site. And I still don’t understand where the forum is? I think there is something fundamental that I don’t understand about BuddyPress. I was seeking something akin to the Simple Machines forum, where I can set up boards based…[Read more]

  • I don’t have “create group” link, either.

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