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  • @b2marketing


    Hi Shane

    Thanks for quick reply.

    Its because I am using a badge plugin that requires Buddypress to be active before the badge plugin will work for bbPress.

    I will check in the bbPress forum. Thanks



    I know I cannot demand answer but was hoping someone could help.
    Please accept my apology in advance if my “bump” offends or annoy anyone.




    I tried the home.php in bp-legacy/groups/single and that did the trick. Not sure why I have to use the bp-legacy but seems to be working.



    No. I have 4.1.1 installed. I had to alter the file mentioned in the link above.



    You rock Hugo. This was a bit over my paygrade but I understood most of it and implemented the patch. That fixed it.

    Really appreciate it. Especially the exceptional quick reply.



    Thanks danbp

    Really sorry to bother you again.

    I implemented this but it is not removing anyone from the loop. I looked at the gist you linked too and (with my limited php experience) combined with the text in the top

    Filter Members List Based On Profile Field – Female members are served a directory of males and male members are served a directory of females.

    then I am wondering if I have not explained myself properly.

    I want to hide/remove members from the loop who has chosen “private” in their profile. I don’t want any members to be able to see members who has chosen “private”.




    Sorry had to go to bed.

    Yes it is a custom profile field I created and it is working when using Buddypress 2.0.2 but updating to latest 2.1.1 then all members disappear from the loop and I just get the “else” statement saying: No members found.

    I created the custom field by going to users -> profile fields.
    I then use the if statement above like this. Please see gist.





    Yes I have it like this: childtheme/buddypress/members/members-loop.php and it is picking up the template because no members shows up and if I remove the “members-loop.php” file then the members shows up but all of them. So when using my “if” statement then it removes all members even the members who has chosen the drop down “Make_My_Profile_Public”



    Thanks Henry. Will download the plugin and see if it works with some other customisations I got. It might not so that is why I am looking at doing this filter thing similar to this code I am trying to get to work.

    function override_button() {
    return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_send_private_message_link’, wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/compose/test/?r=’ . bp_core_get_username( bp_displayed_user_id() ) ) );


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