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  • @barboncaves


    Right ok, that’s brilliant, many thanks. Essentially the child theme holds pieces of updated or amended code.

    Thanks for the help, aces!



    Appreciate what you’re doing, aces. Only it suggests that things could get rather complex, at least for a non-coder like me! Oh well, I’ll just have to bow out if it gets too tricky…

    So you mean I can drop any bit of amended code into a ‘child theme’ directory, and it kind of substitutes those parts of the main theme? But I don’t have to create a ‘whole’ theme, I can just drop relevant bits in?

    I’m using the default BP theme.

    (ps. sorry if I offended you or others with the Proudly post – looks like Mr.Moderator took umbrage, displaying a complete misunderstanding of what pride is.)



    Wow, thanks for that explanation, aces!
    Looks like ‘code’ to me!….I don’t really do that, certainly cant write css. Might be able to change some simple text if I’m shown where to do it.
    Guess I might be getting into deep water here….. 😉



    Aha! Now we’re getting somewhere!

    Thanks for that, aces, good step in the right direction, that! I didn’t really want to disable avatars for those who wanted them, but where there wasn’t an avatar to display I’d have preferred just blank space to the left of the title/name. There is a ‘blank’ option, although it’s obviously a white image! But all told, this solution is on the right path.

    Child themes?……what are they?



    Hi Henry, thanks for the idea. Unfortunately absolutely no affect at all 🙁

    Incidentally, the style.css file within the default buddypress distro, ie. at plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default, is completely empty of any styles!!! The same goes for rtl.css whatever that does. How does the theme style itself?…it must be magic!!

    To be honest, I would have thought the inclusion or not of avatar stuff would be a function within a php file somewhere…but it’s needle in a haystack stuff for a non-geek like me!



    To spin another angle on this..I don’t want any avatars on my site at all!

    OK, so I don’t upload an avatar, no sweat. But how do I get rid of the ugly text next to every instance of a user’s name which says “Profile picture of..” or “Avatar of..” – it’s really bugging me. Couldn’t this just have degraded to blank if someone didn’t upload an avatar? Why on earth do we need the text as an alt?…bizarre!

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