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  • @bebopcool


    i can ping and access the wildcard subdomains from external instance, but the server itself cannot …..

    this strange to my point of view



    here is my dns config


    DocumentRoot /home/domain/www

    SuexecUserGroup domain users


    ServerAlias *

    CustomLog logs/domain-access_log combined

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/domain/cgi-bin/

    AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php



    i made a manual install and it works propely

    i cannot explain me what was wrong

    but maybe there is something to check with automatic install



    i made a brand new install and just make the automatic install for bdpress rc2

    and i got the same problem for the buddybar

    i did not make any changes on theme

    you can create a user if you want

    i will try the manual install of bdpress now



    in fact it does not appear as a bar at all now.

    it is a text menu and the bottom of theme

    to have a see : (when logged in)



    and where to find this stylesheet ?

    i am usually using default themes but maybe i did something wrong.

    will have a look at it

    is it in home or member theme ?

    — seems to be in member theme but i do not see why should i have changed something here



    my admin bar is totally fucked since i am working with

    wpmu 2.7.1

    and buddypress rc2

    the admin bar is as a menu at the footer of the theme

    i am using everything standard with no plugin



    am I the only one with this admin bar going down to the footer not as a bar ?

    I have 3 buddypress installs that works pretty good

    and i do not want to upgrade them before o understand the pb.

    are the 2 pb can be linked ?

    or not



    i made a first uprgrade tu the 2.7 branches version and bdpress trunk over 1303

    now i am making update to 2.7.1 and buddypress rc2

    (i thought it wuold be much more easy than the previous one that worked properly in fact)

    two problems :

    impossible to make the blog by blog update work properly :

    Warning! Problem upgrading http://subdomain.domain/. Your server may not be able to connect to blogs running on it.

    Error message: Couldn’t resolve host ‘subdomain.domain’

    (which a wpmu error)

    what does that mean ?

    and when installing rc2 new as a plugin

    in fact the buddypress bar is at the end of the template as a menu list not an admin bar

    this might be linked with the fact i do not manage this *$** blog update



    no information about that but this is a very needed option :)





    if several languages are installed both on wpmu and bdpress

    do users can choose their language indenpendantly ?



    in profile there is a way to make people to choose their first language.

    it would be great to link this with an available language transmation of buddypress.



    mmùm maybe i have the answer :

    (or maybe it comes from the fact that my users where created manually by admin and do not have their profile info completed : they do not appear neither in the member list area)

    i will check for this



    it definitively makes wpmu the best free cms and in fact much more …



    2 communities : : for people interested by sustainability and green development : for creative persons to share about their projects and creations



    i was thinking in something totally non exclusive

    as sending invites to selected contacts in gmail, hotmail, yahoo, Hi5 or other contact platforms.

    if automatic want to develop their own buddypress platform such thing will be released.



    when caching option in goups forum is not active there is not this post view pb



    still have a little pb

    everything is ok on brand new install

    but on an pdate on previous bdpress trunk : i have this pb

    only the last post in each topic is shown

    i will have try again




    i also have

    wpmu trunk 1574

    bdpress combo

    bbpress alpha 4

    this time just did not take care of the integration pb and finished forum install



    i was focussing on loggin integration between wpmu and bbpress and not on my aim : to post in buddypress forums

    cookie integration still do not work but i can post in forums on my test install :)

    i will try on other installation for update

    still not understand why it is not working but in fact i do not care …. :)



    those paths sounds good

    Here are my paths:



    usually do not put buddypress home in member-themes/

    have you tried bbpress and wpmu inegration ?



    what have done people to solve their integration pb between wpmu 2.7 and bbpress ?

    i feel so stupid with that …

    my cookie keys have been checked many times

    i added the cookie salt information looking manually to wp-config because a have an issue somewhere :

    in bbpress/settings/integration it tells that we have to got to the page :


    to get the information about cookie salts

    on this page i have those errors (both on new and update install of wpmu 2.7)

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044



    as tu pu reussir l’intégration de wpmu 2.7 avec bbpress 1.0 ?

    moi que ce soit en mise a jour ou sur une install neuve ca ne veut pas et je comprends pas pourquoi …



    i have checked something which is not so clear in bbpress (wordpress integration menu)

    1 – it ask to fill in information about :

    WordPress “auth” cookie salt

    WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt

    WordPress “logged in” cookie salt

    and then to check if those information are similar

    WordPress (wp-config.php) bbPress (bb-config.php)




    in wp-config we always have

    blabla-key and blabla-salt available so what do we have to enter ?

    the blabla-salt or the blabla-key.

    2 – in the wordpress plugin for bbpress integration :

    The complete URL of your plugins directory. Leave blank if it is in the default location “my-plugins” in the bbPress directory.

    the default location is “bb-plugins” : so what we shall do ?

    i will have a see on bbpress forumsfor this

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