Translating BuddyPress
I’ve now generated a BuddyPress POT file that can be used to translate BuddyPress into other languages.
You can find the POT file in /bp-languages/buddypress.pot when you check out the latest revision (r510+). I will keep the PO file up to date with the latest revision.
Please note – there are new text strings going into BuddyPress all the time right now, so if you create a language file before the first release, you will need to keep it up to date with the latest revision.
For more information on translating, check out the WordPress Codex page on translation, the same methods apply.
I have added a new BuddyPress Codex page for language translations. If you make a new language translation, please add a codex page for it, and and a link to where it can be downloaded. For example, German:
Please let me know if there are any problems with this.
I already done chinese translation. How to edit the page to add the link?
Create an account on then hit “EDIT PAGE” on the right. You will need to go to “Pages > Add New” on the left menu. Enter a page for your language and select “page parent” on the right menu as “Translations”.
It’s done. And everybody can download it now.
Dreamcolour, may I know if your translation is into Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese? It is best to identify it as in HK/Taiwan, they both use Traditional Chinese.
I translated it to Simplified Chinese. So if you want to translate it to Traditional Chinese,mayby you should to take some edit about it.
My english is so poor. Hope you can understand what I said.
I actually have one problem when trying to translate this file…
I use Poedit to translate the file, and when I’m done I save the file. After saving, I replace the allready existing language-file in /pb-languages/ with the file I’ve translated. The wierd thing is, that the language I translate into does not update on my installation of BuddyPress.
Is there any kind of settings I will have to change before the language I’ve translated into should be activated or something like that?
– Thanks.!
Languages files must named as buddypress-xx_XX.po and .mo.
DO NOT replace the buddypress.po file. It is just a template file.
Ok, thanks !
So all I really have to do, is create the buddypress-xx.po and .mo, and upload them to the same folder as the template file?
I am guessing now, but how do I actually “activate” my language? Is this still in the WPMU wp-config.php file?
Thanks for helping me out on this one.!
Maybe you should uploaded a language file for WPMU too. And this will let MU can active the languages ‘select list’ in backend.
WPMU (Core) and BP always change them language at the same time. So when you change the language of MU. The BP’s will change too.
Hope you understand my poor English. Ha……
Don’t ask why I didn’t tried this before I asked. Here in Norway, we are pretty lazy so I think it explains the most.
– And I don’t have any trouble understanding your english
Apologies for hijacking the thread, but it seems like even with my file in the wp-content/plugins/bp-languages folder, it still doesn’t seem to work.
My file is called cause I need to change a few words in buddypress (but not in WP Mu), but I didn’t change the WPLANG constant (though I’ve tried, not that it makes any sense changing it). Is that causing the non-translating-dom?
Many thanks!
Not wp-content/plugins/bp-languages
It should uploaded in wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages
PS: All the BP plugins should installed in “mu-plugins” not “plugins”
Oops, that’s what I meant. Mistyped sorry.
Still nada:
At, groups is supposed to translated to “projects”.
Step 1: Upload a MU language file to active the language select menu in “Site Admin” – “Options” page. This will make you can select sitewide default language.
Step 2: Upload a BP language file. And its language will been changed with MU at same time.
For example: I uploaded a file named “” for MU in “wp-content/languages/”. And now, In “Site Admin” – “Options” it will display a languages select menu. And in “Setting” – “General” will too. Now,I can change sitewide language or my own site language.
At this time, if I want to change BP’s language, I just need to upload a file “” file in “wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages”.
You can test on my site, And I already translated BP and MU to chinese.
PS: This is just a test site. So DO NOT post any importent things.
Great! Thanks for the help. In the end I just uploaded a nontranslated english MO file to the languages folder. Though it doesn’t really make sense for me to update both the WP MU and BuddyPress languages together.
I mean I suppose it’s useful for people who actually want to do translations, but shouldn’t there be a separate function for buddypress altogether (that perhaps is linked to WP MU?)
Agree with Dudboi – POT file is needed.
I’m in a process of translating into Russian.
I put translated .po and .mo files into wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages. In the Dashboard > Settings I changed the language but seems that .mo and .po file is not working…
You should put buddypress-xx.po and files into that folder and change your lang in the Dashboard > Settings.
Than open your wp-config.php file and change wplang variable to xx. Nothing else sould be done. I did exactly what I wrote and everything is ok.
Also you should do the same language changes in “Site Admin” – “Options” page
Thanks, slaFFik but this was already done, I think that problem is something else…
Ok, and what if you’ll try to manipulate with Definelang function in wp-config? Try change it everywhere (in wp-config and even in translated BP po and mo files to xx-XX.po/mo or XX-xx.po/mo). The same changes to all at once, I mean. It helped me some weeks ago.
I have problem with saving the edited file. I edit the .po file with poedit, but have the problem with editing the line “You have one new message.” where is located in file on 1335 line
1335 msgid “You have one new message.”
1336 msgid_plural “You have %s new messages.”
1337 msgstr[0] “”
1338 msgstr[1] “”
The Poedit can’t edit this line and I can’t save the file.
Give me error:
WORKBuddyPresstrunk-r570trunkbp-languagesbuddypress_bg-BG.po:1396: missing `msgstr[]’ section
01:52:12: msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
cool, this is gr8 news i would like to get start once again testing this. thumps up guys i hope 1st release will have gr8 things in hand.
if several languages are installed both on wpmu and bdpress
do users can choose their language indenpendantly ?
I’m trying to localize my BuddyPress installation.
I use WPMU 2.6.5 lecactus-edition (Russian edition).
I install latest BuddyPress over it.
Then, i download russian laguage for BuddyPress ( and .po files) and upload it in bp-languages. Nothing happen.
After that i copy them to wp-contentlanguages, and new language appear in WPMU settings. Strange thing, but it’s displayed as “bu”. Probably becouse i already have “Russian” in that menu, coz i use translated WPMU. Anyway, if i chose “bu” or “Russian” – nothing happen. I check wp-config: there is define (‘WPLANG’, ‘ru’);
Whats wrong?
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