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  • @bennettberlin


    Say I have a site with 2 buttons in the header, “Books” and “Blog”. Blog is my normal WPMU blog which displays all post categories, including “Books”. Books should only display blog posts with the category “Books”. The BP activity stream should display all posts.

    The Blog-in-Blog plugin did the trick, but seems incredibly hard to style. I tested a few other similar plugins (some did not seem to work with WPMU) before settling on the “post-page-association-plugin” which works fine. I have it set just to show the first post from the Books category on a custom page.

    However, I would like to learn how to code this myself so that I can add some buttons to the the Books page so that the user can display other single books posts by clicking these buttons. Clicking would replace the current books post with the selected books post.

    Hope this is less confusing!



    Thanks r-a-y.

    Today I found the Blog in Blog Wp plugin which does the job quite adequately. It seems to automate your method.

    At the moment I’m the only blogger on my site so I have no problems. I would still be interested to learn how to integrate another WPMU blog on my site as it would mean that I could have other users contribute to the secondary blog, “books”, without exposing my personal blog to these users.



    I already had the beginnings of a Thematic/BP theme when I decided to use the BuddyPress default template instead. I had already set up a few pages and posts.

    I want to place the BuddyPress menu on the top Admin Bar and my normal WordPress pages as a menu in the header.

    For the Admin Bar I tried the code Peter Anselmo posted, but it places ONLY my WP menu in the Admin Bar, but not my BuddyPress menu, as desired. How do I “filter in” only the BP menu?

    function mytheme_add_top_pages() {
    wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&depth=1');

    For the Header, line 85 of bp-default/header.php produces a menu that includes BOTH my WP and BP items. If I comment out this line, I get ONLY the BP menu, but not my WP menu, as desired. How do I “filter in” the WP menu?

    How can I get this to work?

    Thanks in advance,


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