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  • @bgrun80


    Could you post a link to an article explaining how to do it?




    Dude, thank you so much!! I would have never figured it out without your help.

    Muchas Gracias!



    Thanks for the quick replies.

    @modemlooper: When I tried your code, it gave me this…
    Warning: Division by zero in C:xampplitehtdocswp-contentthemespartyhookupsindex.php on line 10
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at C:xampplitehtdocswp-contentthemespartyhookupsindex.php:4) in C:xampplitehtdocswp-includespluggable.php on line 890

    @Jalien: I will give it a shot, but I’d really prefer to use my own code and keep plugins to a minimum

    I tried this and it worked, but I’m wondering if it will break something else or if it’s bad programming practice. Any thoughts?

    if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) :
    global $bp;
    $bp->signup->step = ‘request-details’;
    locate_template( array( ‘registration/register.php’ ), true );
    else :
    index.php as usual



    Also, I tried doing:

    /* If not logged in, the user will be redirected to the registration/login page */
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) :
    include ‘registration/register.php’;
    else :
    index.php as normal

    but that didn’t work either…



    Worked it out.

    I put the child themes in the bp-themes folder.

    Placed them in the plugins/buddypress/bp-themes folder, when I should have put them in

    They look like they’re working ok now.
    Thanks for the help.



    Cheers @boonebgorges.

    So, if I can clarify the whole process. Please tell me if I’m right or if I’m wrong,
    and I’ll post it up on my forum, and make a page in the codex if you want.

    When a visitor loads the URL of a Buddypress-supported site:
    1. the WordPress environment loads and loads the Buddypress plugin
    2. buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default is loaded (if you have activated that theme)
    3. as the visitor browses through different pages, functions are activated in those pages
    4. these functions draw their code from the core files (checking first if bp-custom.php contains same-named functions that will overwrite code in the core files)
    5. there are 9 core files
    6. these 9 core files require/include other groups of code from folders that are named the same way
    e.g. ‘bp-core.php’ requires/includes the files from the ‘bp-core’ folder
    7. The files in these folders are groups of code that share a similar category (e.g. classes) (e.g. bp-core/bp-core-classes.php)
    because modularizing them this way makes it easier to find the code you need.
    8. extra code that is hard to categorize clearly is simply put into the main file (e.g. bp-core.php)

    a. Is the above list right?
    b. Do the core files need to be loaded every time a user visits a page and activates a related function?
    e.g. if a user activates a function related to friends, does bp-friends.php need to be loaded?



    Question: When a user logs into a Buddypress site, do all the core files load from the Buddypress root folder, or does it simply load the theme files?

    Basically, how does the big picture work?

    Also, what is the relationship between the core files and their respective directories?
    e.g. bp-blogs.php and the bp-blogs directory




    Lol, yes, I am a troll.
    I am old and smell funny and live in a cave.

    Look, in today’s economic climate, the job market is pretty much empty, even in Australia. Even if you do get a job with a company, then you’re hard pressed to pay rent and bills, and you can never think of buying a house.

    The only option left is web-development and small business. I’m sorry I got upset about it yesterday, but it’s really frustrating when you get to a golden package like Buddypress and you find that they documentation is really sparse. Then you find that there’s a book out there specifically about the package, and all that’s in it are the installation instructions and how to use the admin panel.

    For the record, there’s a second book called ‘WordPress for Dummies’, so that’s why I thought it wasn’t right that her first half of the book is about WordPress.



    Thanks for the quick replies!

    I think I understand the idea of hooks now as they are used in index.php, header.php, etc.

    @boonebgorges: Unfortunately I don’t have the ability to edit the codex, but I’d really like to.
    I also tried logging into and I wasn’t allowed to do anything there either.
    It would be great if you could fix that for me, because until Jan 10th, all I’ll be doing is figuring out the code
    and publishing it in my own blog ( It would be fun to edit the codex at the same time.

    @mercime: cheers for the heads up. I pulled that old list from another post, but I’ll update it today with 1.2.7.

    Have a good one.



    Buddypress for dummies is a piece of crap.
    Do not buy it. Just d/l it from isohunt.

    I just read through it and my hope has turned to despair.
    There is no listing and explanation of bp functions. There is no explanation of bp hooks, actions or filters.
    Basically, for the first half of the book (literally) she tells you what WordPress is and how to install it.
    For the 3rd quarter of the book, she tells you what the components are, what plugins are, how to use (wait for it) HTML tags, CSS, and other crap.
    Also, you learn how to use the admin panel. Yay…
    Do not waste your money.



    Buddypress for dummies is not suitable for developers.
    I don’t suggest buying it if you want to develop seriously.

    I just read through it and my hope has turned to despair.
    There is no listing and explanation of functions. There is no explanation of hooks, actions or filters.
    Basically, for the first half of the book (literally) she tells you what WordPress is and how to install it.
    For the 3rd quarter of the book, she tells you what the components are, what plugins are, how to use (wait for it) HTML tags, CSS, and other stuff.
    Also, you learn how to use the admin panel. Yay…
    I really didn’t like it.

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