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  • @bibliata


    oops sure looks that way
    How do I correct that? Remove it and make the other
    pages _no parent_ ? Thanks!



    Thank you!
    I’ve updated consistently without missing any updates with every update since 1.6
    I am currently at 1.81. Theme and plugins are compatible and working w/o problems.
    .htaccess has not been changed since initial installation but I checked it again
    and do not see anything that specify /buddypress/ in the URL which I see both in
    groups and members ex. //THANKS



    Similar question after installing 1.7 update inputs _/buddypress/_ in the group URL permalink which was not the case before – thus old groups cannot be found. Is this fixable?



    So I get a new message today that says:
    There is a new version of BuddyPress available. View version 1.7 details or update now.
    I am still on 1.6.5 and cautious to upgrade. Word of advice?



    @mercime trying to combine the activity stream and latest blog posts on the front page. I do have the activity stream showing but for some reason without the text box where one could enter the desired message.



    Some more information which I missed to mention:
    Default theme – default buddypress theme
    Secondary – a responsive theme called BUDDY

    Shortcode came from the secondary Buddy theme
    A complete list of this short-codes could be found here

    It does have a short code for showing the activty stream
    on FrontPage but it does not include input text box with it
    Open for suggestions how to implement the input text box 🙂



    @mercime – shortcode from the template itself to show posts/activity stream
    We fixed it but have no clue how. This is what we did:
    [1] rolled back to 1.6.4 – no improvement
    [2] upgraded to 1.7.2 [beta] again no improvement
    [3] got sick of looking at it and upgraded again to 1.6.5
    and it worked as a charm – have no reasonable explanation except
    if you guys have improved something in the ditro since Sunday

    On a similar note, is there a short code for showing the comment box
    on top of the activity stream which we’re showing on the front page?



    disabled all plugins – did a plugin reset as well
    no improvement – any advice from this point on?



    so after much looking there’s NO error in the error log
    at least not since April 2012 {last year} – what do we
    do now? is roll back possible – or short code re-write?



    Does it matter that we have not installed any new plugins since 1.4 and have upgraded several times since then without problem? What could be affected by simple short code?



    Shows: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

    Server error
    The website encountered an error while retrieving …/wp-admin/post.php?post=64671&action=edit&message=1. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

    cannot get to the log right now to see what causes it



    UPDATE – default theme works after update
    secondary theme works partially
    homepage and blog page which have short code in them
    crash server Error 500 – any ideas for an workaround?



    just experienced that very badly
    Server error HTTP 500
    How do I rollback to 1.6.4 which was working?



    I used an old trick of resetting plugin through renaming plugin directory loging out and returning back to normal BUT it did not do the trick. Add Media does NOT work NOR any of the widgets – anything connecting to AJAX is dead. Any help or jsut wait for WP 3.51?



    Thank’s for all ya’ll’s help – Huddlle is releasing a v.1.9 which supposedly resolve the conflict w/BB1.6
    However, I will wait to install BB 1.7 and then mess more with the theme. Any word on the release date?



    Huddle has 3-4 different sidebar files (blog, front, wide page). I will look there and in the functions file and let you know. Thanks again!



    Like I mentioned, the widgets do not work only when word press is in static front page mode. When changed to blog roll front page, they work, so I made a few modifications to make it look half a way descent. On this note, does buddy press have shortcuts to call the member, groups, etc. widgets the directly from php? Thanks!



    The widgets worked w/v.1.5 so I am assuming its the upgrade.
    Is there an easy way to downgrade buddy press?



    The template shows its own widgets. It has a set of huddle tab posts, huddle tweets, huddle video. They show fine. However, when I drag and drop the buddy press native widgets like members, groups, etc., they do not show. Any suggestions?



    After playing around with it this morning, I was able to activate one of the native Huddle widgets. The generic widgets, however, still do not show. Any suggestions?



    @mercime Agreed. It took me a week to figure it out. Finally, copied the default.css to my child theme and began modifying it there. I just need to remove few extra borders here and style the menu effects like

    Definitely, a lesson learned the hard and time consuming way.



    hey thanks – I am still new to buddy press and dealing with my own theme struggle here but may be I should just switch themes



    @mercime got it – took me forever but the .css was all the way in

    Had to add two extra div-s in the custom.css:
    div#container, div#header, div#content, div#content .padder, div#footer-widgets

    Now, how do I remove the space between the div-s?



    is this even a buddy press theme?

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