14 years, 8 months ago
Hi MrMaz
thanks for your answer
but i still have a problem with ajax with default theme and any other theme as you can see on : http://www.flickr.com/photos/40018469@N04/4534268369/
I’ve searched for a solution that you apparently gave some weeks ago but haven’t found it
thanks for your help and for this helpful plugin !
Hi MrMraz, thanks for this helpful plugin
I’m using BP1.2.3 ( with BuddyPress Widget Theme 1.2 ) + WPMU 2.9.1
i still have a problem with ajax : whan creating a link, “modifiy avatar” and “parameters” contents don’t appear : i just can see the tittles
is it due to the theme ?
many thanks !
14 years, 10 months ago
Hi r-a-y,
excuse me : some precision :
-> I use the BuddyPress install for bbpress and Buddypress + bbPress are on the same base
-> i didn’t upgrade from a previous version of WP-MU or Bpress : it’s a new installation for both of them
-> i don’t have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed
-> I’m using the standard BuddyPress theme
-> I didn’t modify the core files