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  • @blogadera


    ok it worked. thanks r-a-y . this will work for now as you said. hope they work in that parameter soon.



    Cool. Got it to work with the main blog, I guess now the obvious question from us would be how to exclude multiple blog names?



    Is there an updated way to do this 1.2 and above?



    wonder if the same would work for a profile field group?



    nm on our note. was completely the long and wrong way. can accomplish with css and using the function mentioned. it already hides if empty…der



    We are trying the same thing…



    Seeing that this is very old conversation…has there been any update on this or the thread.

    Really interested in removing / excluding certain blogs…that would help our topic we started



    Here’s a sample of what we are trying to do :

    <?php if ( bp_has_blogs(‘exclude=1’) ) : ?>

    Tried this an some other things to exclude all blogs by admin user id but with no luck. This may come in handy for any one trying to exclude admin subdomains where the admin’s “blogs” shouldn’t be included with the member blogs.

    Anyone can think of how to do this?

    We only have a simple page template calling user avatars of members with blogs but can anyone can create an exclude admin blogs plugin to remove these from other parts of the bp install? that may be handy too.



    This has been random for us too on subdirectory and subdomain installs. It usually comes back after a while of rummaging around upgrades and other customizations. Currently we’ve had it happen again after we deactivated bp to create blog with just MU . We activated bp again afterwards and the main blog went missing from the admin bar and the my blogs listings. hoping to see it come back on its own but it would be great to avoid this from happening again.



    Have both, MU subdirectories and subdomains, where this is happening. Can create from user side but not from backend when BP is activated. When bp is not activated mu can create blogs just fine.

    From admin go to Blogs>> Edit >> see this in the Blog Options (wp_13_options)

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php on line 149



    Must’ve Read over that. Thanks!

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