bnt76 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 8 months ago
Sweet liking the look of this so far. Groups need to be called Companies thats for sure to identify them for end users. I can see in principal the idea is brilliiant. However to a certain degree it will require – via the site owner a degree of dumbing down. Or to put in to a more PC context ‘simplification’ for end users.
I like the create a CV…[Read more]
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@travel-junkie My Two cents so far:
When posting a job which is very easy to do, you will need an additional text field for salary banding or contract rate. Also you will need a location based field as well.
Still testing will post more feedback as and when.
Thanks for your feedback.Thing is that everybody has different needs, so you can easily extend the fields that are there through hooks and filters.
Sweet liking the look of this so far. Groups need to be called Companies thats for sure to identify them for end users. I can see in principal the idea is brilliiant. However to a certain degree it will require – via the site owner a degree of dumbing down. Or to put in to a more PC context ‘simplification’ for end users.
I like the create a CV…[Read more]
You can call groups whatever you want. That’s easily done via a constant in bp-custom.php. I reckon that’s more of a theme job or maybe a little plugin. Just imagine a site where you have regular groups next to ‘company’ groups…
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@travel-junkie Is there anywhere we can add salary to a job or a field to add a rate etc?. like the plugin just set up a test http://test.jobboardr.com/groups/web-design-jobs/jobboard/web-designer/
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@travel-junkie I am interested in this Jobboard plugin. Willing to pay as well, drop me a message and I can forward you my email address and get the ball rolling once it is finished.
bnt76 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
No worries, look forward to seeing this in action I must say, can you let me know via email when your up and running etc, my email is my usernam followed by at hotmail.com
Enjoy your time in Oz you lucky bleeder!!!
bnt76 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
Sounds great Travel-junkie, is there anyway I can contribute even if its just advice or anything?
I’ll be setting up a test installation at some point, where users can sign up and help test things. It’ll still be a while, though. I’m off to Oz for a month in a couple days and won’t get much coding done while I’m there…
No worries, look forward to seeing this in action I must say, can you let me know via email when your up and running etc, my email is my usernam followed by at hotmail.com
Enjoy your time in Oz you lucky bleeder!!!
Will do!
bnt76 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi Travel Junkie, thats a fair point. I used to work in recruitment so have a good idea of Job Boards and features etc if you need a tester I would be happy to do this, and of course purchase the plugin if it was suitable and of course was at the right price.
Let me know cheers
It’s still in the alpha stages, but basically it’ll work around groups, which are companies. Every group will get it’s own jobboard and all the jobs will be shown on a directory page.
There’s an API in place so job information can be shown on external sites. The plugin also comes with a few widgets included.
Members can create their CV on site…[Read more]
Sounds great Travel-junkie, is there anyway I can contribute even if its just advice or anything?
I’ll be setting up a test installation at some point, where users can sign up and help test things. It’ll still be a while, though. I’m off to Oz for a month in a couple days and won’t get much coding done while I’m there…
No worries, look forward to seeing this in action I must say, can you let me know via email when your up and running etc, my email is my usernam followed by at hotmail.com
Enjoy your time in Oz you lucky bleeder!!!
Will do!
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@travel-junkie Hi travel-junkie,
I see your working on a job board component, will this be a paid for component/plugin or free to use?
You will have to pay to download the plugin, since most people will use the plugin to earn money. Support for 3 months will be included in the price. We’re still undecided about the price at this time.
Hi Travel Junkie, thats a fair point. I used to work in recruitment so have a good idea of Job Boards and features etc if you need a tester I would be happy to do this, and of course purchase the plugin if it was suitable and of course was at the right price.
Let me know cheers
It’s still in the alpha stages, but basically it’ll work around groups, which are companies. Every group will get it’s own jobboard and all the jobs will be shown on a directory page.
There’s an API in place so job information can be shown on external sites. The plugin also comes with a few widgets included.
Members can create their CV on site…[Read more]
Sounds great Travel-junkie, is there anyway I can contribute even if its just advice or anything?
I’ll be setting up a test installation at some point, where users can sign up and help test things. It’ll still be a while, though. I’m off to Oz for a month in a couple days and won’t get much coding done while I’m there…
No worries, look forward to seeing this in action I must say, can you let me know via email when your up and running etc, my email is my usernam followed by at hotmail.com
Enjoy your time in Oz you lucky bleeder!!!
Will do!
hi boris, i already submitted some features about a month ago but seems oz didn’t release you fully back from the wild. i’d be interested in helping you test the theme out on a multilingual site with around 1000 current registered job seekers (unfortunately no recruiters, yet).
beste gruesse aus thailand,
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@DJPaul Hi DJPaul,
I noticed that you have done some work for easyoutsource for some custom plugins, I wondered if you would do the same for me if you charge etc????
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@thekmen hi there I wondered if you had completed your Mystique port to Buddypress?
Is this available to download?
sorry, only spotted this now.
I’ll be updating the theme to work with WP3.0 in the next week & will release it then. -
I added a download, see https://buddypress.org/community/groups/creating-extending/forum/topic/buddypress-version/?topic_page=2#post-56590 for details.
WPin.me started the forum topic User levels in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi all, I am milling around with using Buddypress (which is a great by the way) my question is this: Basically I am looking at creating a site but it will have two different levels of users E.G User One – is a company showcasing products etc User Two – is an end user Both […]
WPin.me joined the group Requests & Feedback 14 years, 10 months ago
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
Just added a post on wpin.me http://www.wpin.me/59-excellent-buddypress-powered-websites/
WPin.me posted on the forum topic The Secret Bistro in the group Gallery: 14 years, 11 months ago
Fantastic work, beautiful template by the way, as I do not want to sign up to your site (because I dont want to waste a user space) do you have pictures of when your logged in etc. What template did you use etc, was it easy? I only ask as I believe members of BP […]
WPin.me joined the group Gallery 14 years, 11 months ago
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 11 months ago
@amina spammer alert keeps sending me messages need a way to block these muppets
bnt76 posted an update 14 years, 11 months ago
@apeatling Hi Andy, will the current theme used by Buddypress be a downloadable theme, also loving the follow buttons etc.
Is the follow buttons etc available for download or are they planned for a future release, if so when (roughly) do you think this will happen.
Great system by the way thanks to you and all the dev team working on BP!!
Lovin it!
Not recently active
You can call groups whatever you want. That’s easily done via a constant in bp-custom.php. I reckon that’s more of a theme job or maybe a little plugin. Just imagine a site where you have regular groups next to ‘company’ groups…